Tuesday 15 June 2010

asp.net web api - How to get BreezeJS metadata working -

When I try to access the metadata URL, I get this error with Breeze:

  Http: // localhost: 1886 / API / post / metadata   

property for 'previous attribute' automatically referred to 'system.xml.link.xitribbet' The loop is detected. Path 'route. First unbreakable.Nextet Specialty. Specialty. Nxetate Characteristic: Specialty. NXTritt. Neptitude ' Type the exception: "Newtonsoft.Jasson. Jason Serialization Expression"

My second URL is working and fixing data from the database

  http: // Localhost: 1886 / api / posts / post>   

My post is nothing in C that can be self-referenced and looks like

  public Class post {public perfection} PostID {get; Set; } Public int UserID {get; Set; } Public string title {get; Set; } Public string description {get; Set; }}   

My Controller:

  [Breeze Controller] Public Class Post Controller: API Controller [Read EFC Context Provider & lt; PostDebandextex & gt; Reference Provider = New EFCNet Provider & lt; PostDebibConnectx & gt; (); [HTTPGATE] Public string metadata () {reference provider. Metadata (); } [HTTGET] Public INMMerable & lt; Post & gt; Posts () {var posts = reference provider. Consult Posts; Returning post; }}   

I am stuck on Windows XP using Visual Studio 2010 and EF 4 and .NET 4. I Are there issues with Breeze and any of them?

The problem may be that the unit framework generates a proxy object, try changing them.

  dbContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;    

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