Tuesday 15 June 2010

objective c - Best & easiest way to do my UX for iOS App -

I'm a new iOS app in Dev and I'm facing a simple problem!

The picture speaks loudly over words, please attach to a small screenshot / macpot I do (the easiest way and best way)!

So to explain, I want to get an idea about my "homeway controller" half of my screen, and the other half will be dedicated to 3 other scenes. Controller (first, second and third view controller).

To reach all three view controllers (as you see in the picture), there are three buttons "Homeview Controller"

My problem is quite simple, I do this Looking for the best and easiest way!

I hope you understand me because I'm French; -)

I see your problem now I think the way You choose to implement, as if you make a Homeview Controller or Third Vie Qua Controller, as you make more complicated.

My suggestion: You now have a visual controller that automatically Instead of creating a HomeViewController or ThirdViewController, you should only create HomeView or ThirdView (this is just UIView). After this, you add homeview to half screen on sev.view, add 3 buttons to the homeview.

I know that you do not understand, so let me know that each button has a function, when you click, you just change the view (first, second and third view) Removing the scene changes the new scene. I think that if you choose simple, then it is simple.

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