Tuesday 15 February 2011

Excel: delete entire row when other cell equals a defined value -

I have seen similar examples (searches), but what I see is not that.

I Excel has a workbook that has many sheets, Sheet A and B. These sheets have a bunch of data, so to show the most important data on sheet B. from Sheet B, I want to mirror only those rows which I want to specify on the cell values ​​based on Sheet A. I have to delete the entire lines in Sheet B. in sheet A based on value.

For example, in column A with 10 values, column X is (yes / no), and I have returned the same data to sheet B. That is, if Sheet Ax1 = "Yes" then Sheet B cell Y1 = "Done" ... if Sheet X2 = "Yes" then Sheetb Cell Y2 = "Done" ... if Sheet Ax 3 = "no", then the Sheetb cell Y1 = "unavailable" .. and so on.

Then I want the rows in SheetB with the only cell values ​​= "to be full" and there are rows with cell values ​​= "missing" automatically to be deleted for. In this fashion, I will create a table that contains rows containing the "full" value for the specified cell.

I know that there are macros in Excel, but I have never written code in VBA, and language operators and variables escape completely

what macro There is a way of writing that can be said in a formula; That is, before) if (A10 = "yes", "", delete row macro here )


It seems that you want to create a function that you used in a cell Which can change in other cells. This can not be done functions, when used in a formula, only the cell is limited by changing, and not from other cells.

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