Wednesday 15 February 2012

elasticsearch - Set the index field to be not_analyzed and then do wildcard query, does it appear low performance? -

Determine the index field to be non_allowed and then do wildcard queries, does this show less performance? ...... Does any issue show less performance ??

Yes. Wildcard queries are not very efficient

Inverted index works very well because it has an entry for each term that you want to search for. However, your wildcard queries are not using the inverted index because this is the purpose.

For example, if you search on "foo *" , then it must find all the words inverted index that starts with "foo" , Then find it all at a very slow and memory intensive.

If you know that you want to search wildcards, then you should analyze your data. To analyze your area, use an NGram or Edge-NGRM Tokiizer for a partial match index. This will allow the inverted indicator to work.

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