Saturday, 15 February 2014

c++ - GPS coordination interpolation/smoothing -

I am looking for a suitable algorithm that transmits 1 HJPS GPS (on file) coordination up to 60 hz.

Although I've got two types of interpolation algorithms, I could not detect a suitable smoothing algorithm which also handles the interpolation.

ALGLIB sounds good for interpolation - but for smoothing?

> Smoothing makes the situation wrong when the device runs, coordinates are already smooth, usually There is no need to move forward.
If you are having problems when the device is still standing, then delete that situation.

Consider using the average filter to smooth the data, set the filter window to 0, 5 -1c; The delay in the center of the current position window will be half the window size.

Based on the implementation you will use the first half window, and the last. (Which will not be the problem)

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