Saturday, 15 February 2014

java - inherit a non gwt module -

I have a project that uses GVT and my company's SVN has dependencies for many components. In my MainApp.gwt.xml, I am the successor of those modules. The problem is, none of them is a GVT module, so I get this error:

  error] build error [INFO] ----------- - ------------------------------------------------- - ---------- [INFO] The GWT module was not found in com.sample.project.sample-module-b project sources or resources.   

But I can not even remove it, because there is another module, sources from this module-B are required. If I remove the line

  & lt; Name = "com.sample.project.sample-module-b" /> From my main app .gwt.xml   

I get the following error:

  [error] 'Errors in jar: file: / c: / path / Repository / com / sample / project / sample-module-a / 0.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar! /com/sample/project/a/to/ '[ERROR] Line 23: No source code available for type com. Sample.project.module-b.ClassB; Have you forgotten to inherit an essential module?   

I have added both module-A and module-B for my MEN-dependency, but this is not the trick. Is there a possibility to achieve that module, this is not a GVT module? Modules-B is not used directly in my own classes, just in this dependency How do I tell module-A or My main app to use sources from module-B, without using it as a GVT module? Hopefully someone gives me a hint. To solve this problem, I had to do the following: under my menop src / main / Resource folder I put com.sample.project folder structure. In that folder I created File module- b.gwt.xml and everything worked fine.

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