Assume that we have an AA. There are two modules in which this module loads X and Module Y, which communicates through netpoep, a fixed URI.
Say module X (WCF client) connects to module Y (WCF server) with URI MySaer. Also note that there may be several instances of module X in the same app which are connected to the module Y. Now if we start another example of A, we will have two enrolled pipe server examples with the same URI created by module Y. (The algorithm used by Search WCF named pipes is listed)
Multiple instances of the same application have been launched, then which pipe will be used by the module to connect to each other?
We have two named pipe servers with the same URL created by the module M.
T is possible because only one service at one time can open a listener on a specific net.pipe URI, as far as I know, so you can at any one time URI Only a named pipe server can be activated. / P>
If you feel that you have succeeded in creating more than one concurrent active server, please edit your question to make it more specific about hosting the service, and you can use "Applica Tion" And "module" and "example".
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