I have a customer running a SUSE Enterprise Server 11, on which I want to use a Django project with openoffice -Pathon-Bridge is called I have added the path related to Pithon Path, but when I manage to run Shell and try This is OpenOffice 3.4, Python 2.6.x (both from SUSE-DVD). Google took me into system-variable After doing one of the above, I run system-wide Python and import echo, but I could not move the digengo-shell because the degego was not found. If I reset the LD_LIBIRRAH ( OpenOffice comes bundled with a dragon-binary. It can import uno without any error. Result: I thought of using any other uno.py or some other way to use Python-version that comes with OpenOffice. How can I do something like this or how can I add related pyonauto-dependency to Python version used by Apache? Or which version of the OpenOffice / Puno can solve my problem? I would like to avoid touching mod_wsgi and python from SUSE-sources. In addition, some hints about LD_LBRIIRAAPHH may be useful. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is a variable that overrides the search path for shared libraries (.so usually) is. When you set it, for example, export LD_LIBRIIPAH = / opt / test / Mylibs you search for shared libraries in place of all applications. This explains why django-shell can not run because it is searching for libraries where they do not exist. The good news is that LD_LIBRARY_PATH can be set on many paths, separated by colon (:). In this way, you can export LD_LIBRIIPAH = / opt / test / miilibs: / opt / other / path If you want to find out where all the libraries are required, then you can track their path to LDLIRRIERAAPAH , And it can be enough to solve your problem. I do not know, though if this is the true problem you are facing, but I think that it can give you some Hinds on the meaning of this variable. Pinoo . It runs an apache 2 with
mod_wsgi and does not have VirtualAniv or nothing else.
import , I get this error:
Dynamic module not properly started
LD_LIBRARY_PATH , but as soon as I set it, I can not start any more shell because the dragon does not have any more DNS Can not get (Pithonpath is broken in any way) If I run
ldconfig -v / path / to / openoffice / program / which is another common proposal, the result is identical is.
ldconfig ), then I get to the "old" status.
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