Saturday 15 February 2014

Storing a circle from a lat/lng coordinates with a radius in MySQL -

I am experimenting with polygons with MySQL because now I have checked to store polygons.

  SET @g = 'POLYGON (51.486 9 41636341456 -0.0669479370171757551.52241608253253 0.0164794921875,51.47796179607124 0.01750946044921875,51.486941636341456 -0.06694793701171875)' INSERT INNTO 'zones' ('polygon') values ​​(polyfram text ( @ G));   

However, I want to add circular shape to a specific radius in kilometers, to know that the center point is the latitude / LM coordinates. How has this method come up with circles with radius?

No circle of MySQL is primitive, and for almost a circle, making a polygon is not trivial, especially Near the Poll. Can you take part with your focal point and radius storage?

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