Tuesday 15 June 2010

full text search - MySQL fulltext not returning any results when it clearly should be -

I am trying to create a full text search index in three columns but it is not returning any results even if It seems that it should. I have repeated the problem with the following structure and data in the testtables:

  If the table is not present then 'testtable' (`id 'int (11) faucet autoncriment,' title 'varchar ( 255) No link, `link` varchar (255) No, zero, 'description' text, primary key (` ID`), full name key 'title' (`title`,` link`, `description`)) = MySQL Default Charge = UTF8 Outangement = 6; INSERT (1, 'mysql article', 'domain.com/article/1', 'This is an article about MySQL') in the `testable` (` id`, `title`,` link`, `description`] values '), (2,' some other article ',' domain.com/article/mysql-article ',' this link has mysql but not title '), (3,' My super mysql article ',' domain. Com / Mysql-link ',' keyword description is not in '), (4,' OK I'm searching for something ',' domain.com ',' and this is not in the title or description ') , (5, 'mysql article', 'mydomain.com/mysql', 'mysql is definitely written in every area');   

I am using the query:

  Select 'testtable' from * where MATCH (title, link, description) against ('mysql ')   

The phrase mysql appears in at least one column in everything other than row 4, whereas in row 5, the phrase mysql in each single column occurs. Therefore, at the very least it should return 5 lines. But it is not returning any results.

Can anyone explain why this is happening?

This means that if you search for the term that contains more records, then ignore it in search Will be done

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