I have created a Chrome extension that allows local storage from the background page (using Now, say, I want to create a website and access the data of the extension on the local storage from the website, is it possible to access this data from this website domain? Maybe I can add something to the manifest file to allow that? I here assume that you know the passage of the content between the content script and the background script Message for Strong> Content Script If the website has your website to open a site, then know that www.yourwebsite.com If this is your website, then drag the required data from the background script To get data in the handle, change the locale, insert the data into the HTML of the page so that your website's JavaScript can read it Your website's JavaScript can now read the javascript data for your website chrome.storage.sync) Saves. Set ).
if (currentUrl == "www.yourwebsite .com ") {....}
if (currentUrl ==" Www.yourwebsite.com ") {Chrome Exte Nsion.sendRequest ({"getLocalStorage Data": True, "dataFieldName": "Favorite Collar"}, handleLocalStorageResult;); } Function handleLocalstoosing Roustalting (Data Values) {.....}
if (currentUrl == "www.yourwebsite.com") {chrome.extension.sendRequest ({"getLocalStorageData": true, "dataFieldName": "favorablecolor"}, handleLocalStorageResult); } Function handleLocalstageRelitt (data value) {var localStorageDataDiv = $ ('
var data = $ ('# ExtensionData') HTML () .; Alert ('My Extension's Local Storage Data' data);
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