Tuesday 15 June 2010

iphone - orientation not supporting in ios6 devices -

I have an application build on Exec 4.2, which only supports portrait orientation, it can be used for all devices except ios6 Works well with the IOS 6 device showing this both the orientation .. I only need portrait orientation .. I am using navigation controller .. appdelegate ::

  - (BOOL) must be avoted {return ([[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation] == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait; } - (nsuenter) Application: (UIApplication *) Application Supported Interface AuthenticationForvando: (UI window *) window {UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait); }   

Controllers in other views ::

  - (BOOL) should be aurortate {return yes; } - (zero) viewDidletedAutvanced view {DisplayFunctionName; NSLog (@ "Orientation:% D", Interface Orientation itself); } - (NSUntengar) Supported interface ornation {if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM () == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad} {return (UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll); } And {return (UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait); }} - (BOOL) should need additionalToToToToPresenceAnternation (UINPreference Orientation) Interface Orientation {DisplayFunctionName; NSLog (@ "Orientation:% d", Interface Orientation); Return (Interface Orientation == UINPfaceAuthentication Portrait); }   

Orientation is difficult to handle with iOS 6 when you have portrait orientation Wish you want landscape orientation for ideas and some, but it is very easy if you want only one orientation support for the entire app, go to simple helpful files and then add info.plist to your app Open and remove all other orientations except what you want .. below are some screen shots that help you fix your problem

here Enter image details

 Enter image details here

I hope this is for you Works. Thanks

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