Saturday 15 January 2011

java - Adding pooled connection datasource in JBoss 7 -

I'm switching from Glassfish to Jboss 7. I have configured a data source in the glassfish server that is stored on the server but not XA I am trying it, but whenever I open the admin web GUI, the driver element should be & lt; Driver name = "Postgrescill" / / gt is minimized. Something should be wrong because I can not log on my application. How can I configure a data source on iBebos 7? & lt; Driver & gt; & Lt; Driver's name = "postgrescle" module = "org.postgresql" & gt; & Lt; Data Source Category & gt; Org.postgresql.ds.PGConnectionPoolDataSource & lt; / Data Source Category & gt; & Lt; / Driver & gt; & Lt; / Drivers & gt;

This module is .xml:

   & Lt; / Resources & gt; & Lt; Dependency & gt; & Lt; Module name = "javax.api" /> & Lt; Module name = "javax.transaction.api" /> & Lt; / Dependencies & gt; & Lt; / Module & gt; You can specify your data source in domain.xml / standalone.xml:    


  & lt; Subsystem xmlns = "vase: jboss: domain: data source: 1.1" & gt; & Lt; Datasources & gt; & Lt; Data source jndi-name = "java: jboss / datasources / exampleDS" pool-name = "example DS" enabled = "true" usage- java-context = "true" & gt; & Lt; Connection-URL & gt; JDBC: H2: Mem: test; DB_CLOSE_DELAY = -1 & lt; / Connection-URL & gt; & Lt; Driver & gt; H2 & lt; / Driver & gt; & Lt; Security & gt; & Lt; User's name & gt; Sa & lt; / User name & gt; & Lt; Password & gt; Sa & lt; / Password & gt; & Lt; / Safety & gt; & Lt; / Data source & gt; & Lt; Drivers & gt; & Lt; Driver's name = "h2" module = "com.h2database.h2" & gt; & Lt; Xa-Data Source Category & gt; Org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource & lt; / Xa-Data source range & gt; & Lt; / Driver & gt; & Lt; / Drivers & gt; & Lt; / Datasources & gt; & Lt; / Subsystem & gt;    

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