Tuesday 15 February 2011

python 2.7 - Installing anaconda to use with windows -

I am lost in the installation process of installing anaconda on windows.

I have installed windows 32 bit package (I am running Windows 7 x 64)

I have anaconda in the Start menu and I can open the Python console and scipy I can use stats.t.interval (), I am interested in the function.

However, how do I go about involving it in another dragon program? I think there is something like adding this path. For example, I have a scipy.stats.t.interval () function call in my other Pyro file that I run through signin through python myscript.py . However this returns the error:

  import from sippy.stats import import: a module scipy.stats   

I think this is a change in path Can add / path to the problem, but I'm not sure how to fix it: /. Although I try to fix it, I think I will post here for help.

Try the installation of the dragon, one of the anaconda package, and the other which you may have previously installed If this returns from the Python

to the CygWin console:

  / usr / bin  

/ Code>

Then there is an add-to-path problem, to fix it for signin, you have to install the path in path from anaconda.

Try this sencine:

  PATH = path-where-anaconda-is-text   

and then do the following:



  / path-to-anaconda / anaconda / bin   

and then do this work Will do

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