Sunday 15 January 2012

objective c - Building an app with an electronic signature feature for ios possibly using mono touch? -

This is just a quick question because I have found gog and ipod which already has this feature - but I How to go to create an application that has the ability to hold electronic signatures ... Is it possible?

XMERIN's component store is a component that does this

I also Written from scratch - it is not particularly difficult code will look something like this:

  Public class draw: UIView {DrawViewController dvc; // Clear Canvas Clear Public () {drawpath.Dispose (); DrawPath = new CGPath (); FingerDraw = false; SetNeedsDisplay (); } // Pass in the context of the nearby controller, though I can not use it anytime and it can possibly remove the public drawing (Rectangle frame, DrawCentron Root): Base {frame} {dvc = root; This.drawpath = new CGPath (); this. Background color = UIColor.White; } Private point touch location; Private Point FTT location; Personal CGPath drawPath; Private bull finger draws; Public Override Zero Toosbagan (Mono TouchFoundation.Nentent Touch, UIEvent evt) {base.TouchesBegan (touches, EVT); UITouch Touch = Touch Any object in the form of a UIT; this. Finger Draw = True; This.touchLocation = touch.LocationInView (this); This.prevTouchLocation = touch Previous Location: View (this); This .customline display (); } Public override zero tote mode (mono touch. Foundation.Nentent touch, UIEvent evt) {base.TouchesMoved (touch, ESP); UITouch Touch = Touch Any object in the form of a UIT; This.touchLocation = touch.LocationInView (this); This.prevTouchLocation = touch Previous Location: View (this); This .customline display (); } Public UIImage GetDrawingImage () {UIImage returnImg = null; UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (this.Bounds.Size); (Using CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ()) {context.SetStrokeColor (UIColor.Black.CGColor); Context.SetLineWidth (5f); Context.SetLineJoin (CGLineJoin.Round); Context.SetLineCap (CGLineCap.Round); Context.AddPath (this.drawpath); Reference. Doppath (CGPit drawing mode. Stroke); ReturnImg = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); } UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); Refunding IMG; } Public Override Zero Draw (Rectangle F. Ricketts) {base.Draw (rect); If (this.fingerdraw) {(CGContext reference = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ()) is used {reference.SetStrokeColor (UIColor.Black.CGColor); Context.SetLineWidth (5f); Context.SetLineJoin (CGLineJoin.Round); Context.SetLineCap (CGLineCap.Round); This.drawPath.MoveToPoint (this.prevTouchLocation); This.drawPath.AddLineToPoint (this.touch location); Context.AddPath (this.drawpath); Reference. Doppath (CGPit drawing mode. Stroke); }}}}    

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