I was working static library and it's all right now that I have gone to the proper library, so I IM I want to make problems. To import other files using Kocoopods and it creates a workspace I do not work now I have to transcribe it now and I'm feeling so is because I no longer work in a framework. I'm Gogling for hours in an attempt to answer, but all the things that I've found, are only related to change in the same project library My questions: 1) Is it possible to add a library to a workstation ? 2) Should I try to make a framework instead? 3) Is this just my script that is not correct?
XCODEBUILD_PATH = / app / Xcodekapp / content / Developer / usr / bin XCODEBUILD = $ XCODEBUILD_PATH / xcodebuild $ XCODEBUILD -Project T5Pusher.xcodeproj -target "T5Pusher" -sdk "iPhoneOS" - configuration "release" clean build $ XCODEBUILD -Project T5Pusher.xcodeproj -target "T5Pusher" -sdk "iphonesimulator" - configuration "release" "Construction output clean manufacturing ago-Lipo / libT5Pusher A" "build / Release- iPhoneOS / libT5Pusher .a "" build / Release- iphonesimulator / libT5Pusher.a " the
XCODEBUILD_PATH also tried = / app / Xcodekapp / Content / Developer / usr / bin XCODEBUILD = $ XCODEBUILD_PATH / xc Odebuild $ XCODEBUILD -workspace T5Pusher.xcworkspace -scheme "T5Pusher" -sdk "iPhoneOS" - Configuration "Release" Clean Construction $ T5Pusher -workspace XCODEBUILD .xcworkspace -scheme "T5Pusher" -sdk "iphonesimulator" - Configuration "Release" Clean Build Lipo -karet output "Build / LibT5Pusherka" "Build / release-Aifonos / LibT5Pusherka" "Build / Rilijh- Aifomesimuletr / libT5Pusher.a" I was getting errors < / P>
** build fails failed following build command: Libolol build / PusherTest.build / release- iPhoneOS / PusherTest.build / Objects-General / ARMv7 / LibPusherTest.a general ARMv7 Libtool build / PusherTest.build / Release- iPhoneOS / PusherTest.build / objects General / armv7s / libPusherTest.a general Armvi 7 S (2 failure) lipoproteins input file can not be opened: build / release- iphoneos / libPusherTest.a (No such file or directory) showing only 200 notices only and second, build successful, but library (.a) any files Are not made, so they can not add them
I found a solution that you have to use the command:
pod install --no-integrate
can create a workspace and will not be allowed to use the script
XCODEBUILD_PATH = / app / Xcodekapp / content / developer / usr / bin XCODEBUILD = $ XCODEBUILD_PATH / xcodebuild $ XCODEBUILD -Project T5Pusher .xcodeproj -target "T5Pusher" -sdk "iphoneos" - configuration "release" clean $ XCODEBUILD- project T5Pusher.xcodeproj -target "T5Pusher" -sdk "iphonesimulator" - configuration "release" clean Build Lipo -sut output "Build / LibT5Pusher .a "" Build / Rilijh- Aioos / libT5Pusher.a "" Build / Release-Aifoisimuletr / libT5Pusher.a " again to set config file to Fods:
- Go to project editor - & gt; Information - & gt; Configuration
Set targets to debug and use the pods.xconfig file for release
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