So, I wrote a WordPress plugin to create a JSON file with the latest x articles, after which it has a URL, which is called CloudFront Is being cached from.
In this way, I am using my file (in the browser):
And I get my JSON format response file:
< Code> {"id": 55142, "title": "A new model model productivity para espa \ u00f1a", "url": ....Now, this is an async I use the JS code to use the file in mode:
var jqXHR = $ .ajax ({type: 'GET', url: ' Com / wp-content / uploads / plug / plug.json ', contentType: "application / json", datatype:' jsonp '}); JqXHR.done (function (json) {console.log (json);}) .error (function (e) {console.log (e);}) .ways (function (test) {console.log (test); }); Now, the Curiosity portion is that under the Networks tab (firebug, or Chrome Dev Dev), I see the request and it is a
200 status code and The contents of the file, however, I do not see the response in
.done () , so I can not use it and can not work with it.
Why can any one think?
instead of
json ,
jsonp will not control this due to
cross-root . Remember that I keep the file on the server from Amazon's CloudFront. I tried fixing, but there is no luck, so if you do not have any other option, then I'll be able to send it to
EDIT: Felix registers the code as a callback, in the form of a cling notes, the main callback is a jQuery handler that looks like: jQuery> Callback = jQuery19104353667694941068_1372008424415 & amp; Foo = bar
A fixed file will not be able to respond properly to this call because it generates
jQuery Headler's Name Dynamically
jsonpCallback: "Definitive Name" if the fixed file is in the form
fixedName ({.. some variable ..}), then .
Original Response:
jsonp does not fire
done method. This adds a
script tag like this:
& lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt;
The expected response will be the JS code which will call
whatToDoWhenDone and JSON objects as arguments:
whatToDoWhenDone ( {"Id": 55142, "title": "a new model model productivity para espa \ u00f1a", "url": ....});
If you do not need to use
jsonp , then change it to
json only.
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