Wednesday 15 February 2012

php - how to represent database data into Curved shape -

I have a database that is saved in a mysql database and I need to display it in a curved shape, How do I represent php or any web language

If you are looking for a chart See it:

With little PHP and little know that it is very easy to create your chart. However note that Google has 50,000 chart view limits per day.

This is a part of the code given to you, which you can modify using PHP:

  var data = google.visualization ['2006', 1170] , 460], ['2006', 660, 1120], ['200 9', '1000, 400]', ['' year '', 'sales', 'expenditure'], 2007 '', 1030, 540 ]];   

You need to do a bit more to curl the lines found on curved lines on Google view. Type the curve in the API, set it accordingly.

  var option = {title: 'company display', type of curve: 'function'};    

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