Monday 15 February 2010

build - Unable to get a type from different package in Scala -

I have a project that contains many subproducts. Suppose i have three of them: service core common

In my production. Kaka, I have the following definition

  lazy value root = project ("root", file ("normal", file ("normal"), settings = Info.Settings) Lazy Val Core = Project ("."), Settings = InfoSettings) (Normal, Core, Service) Lazy Val normal = Project ("A Depending on the common Lazy Val protection = project ("service", file ("service"), settings = "file", "file" ("appcore"), settings = Info.settings ++ Seq (library-dependency ++ = dependencies) Information Gateway Settings ++ Seak (Revolver: = Package Resolver, Library Depressions ++ = Gateways)) Dependence (Common, Core)   

I use the idea for development and therefore Generation For SBT-Views 1.4.0 of the consideration specific files.

I used to 'mango' Switch to have created a class: user package com.project.common.domain and I like it e Kan'ti to use their 'service' module. It just does not see it. I have checked the IML file, there are dependencies in it.

Has anyone seen this issue?

The problem was that all classes / exams / scala / main / scala >

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