Monday 15 February 2010

ruby on rails 3 - Michael Hartl's RoR tutorial 3.2 -

section after you follow the instructions in 3.2 Test RoR tutorial Michael Hartl This is getting weird error. I command runs: Bundle Aksple rspec spec / requests / static_pages_spec.rb I get the error:

Bundled Anti rspec spec / requests / static_pages_spec.rb / users / name / .rvm / gems / ruby-1.9 .2-p320 / gems / rspec-core-2.11.1 / lib / rspec / core / configuration.rb: 780: in load ': No such file to load - / users / username / Desktop / ROR / Sample-app / spec / requests / spec / requests / static_pages_spec.rb (load error) / users / name /. Arvim / games / RBI -lk9k2-P320 / games / Arspisi core /core/configuration.rb:780 from -2.11.1 / Lieb / Arspisi These map 'configuration.rb: 780: in load_spec_files' / users / name / .rvm / gems / ruby-1.9 From .2-p320 / gems / rspec-core-2.11.1 / lib / rspec / core / command_line RB: 22: In the run / users / name /. Arvim / games / Ruby 1 9 2-P-2020 / g / Arspisi core -2.11.1 / Elaibi / Arspisi / core / Arunnrkarbi: 69: In Run "/ user / No Me / .rvm / gems / ruby-1.9.2-p320 / gemma / rspec-core-2.11.1 / lib / rspec / core / runner.rb: 8: 'block in autorun'

any help Will be appreciated

The error message indicates that this file / users / name / desktop / ROR / Sample-app / * spec / requests / spec / requests / * static_pages_spec.rb

Do you already have spec / requests / directive In order, when you try to run it? The assumption is that you are in the project's home directory; If you are already in Imagination / Request /, then you can just run:

Bundle Exec rspec static_pages_spec.rb

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