I am trying to allocate an event to a button by using backbone events:. I tried to do all this, but nothing has been working till now. My suspicion is that I can not add events because $ el's content has not been updated yet (I am using underscores in a template). So my question will be how can I assign events to those classes that are not initially loaded?
My code is on Githubo in the repo
The file I am working on is located under the UI / Script / view / UserPage.js.
Var UserView = Backbone.View.extend ({initialize: function () {}, render: function () {var data = {}; var compiled = _.template (UserPage, data ); $ When ($ ('.main') .html (compiled)). (Function () {this. $ El = $ (". UserEdit"); console.log (this. $ El);}) ;}, Event: {"click .example"}: "OpenPreview"}, OpenPreview: Function () {Warning ("HI");} This template ui / script / View / Template is located in the user page.
div class = "header"> gt; & lt; h2 & gt; user Edit & lt; / h2 & gt; & lt; button & gt; & l T: / button>
PS: I have already tried to solve this problem but I failed
Your event after you changed this. $ El Is not being given the correct element. $ El , this will work with the delegation again for you. In addition, you will need to create a view variable to keep the context of this , because inside callback No reference now. Your render function should look like this:
render: function () {var data = {}; Var compiled = _template (UserPage, data); Var Views = This; $ .when ($ ('main') .html (compiled)). (Function () {view.setElement ($ (". UserEdit")); console.log (see. $ El;)}); }
So I'm trying to find a variable where I fill the empty space in a space for a row . Convergence where I pull down a line, all I need is to help fix my XLEF so that it works with selection.
Sub-replacement blanks () Long set LR = Range ("A2: R" and cells (Rows number, 1) in the form of slow LR. End (XLEE) .OO range (LR). Choose. Change: = "", Replacement: = "blank", LookAt: = xlPart, _SearchOrder: = xlByRows, Match CAS: = False, Searchformat: = False, Change _Fileet: = False and Sub I also forgot to add this error, its "Compilation error: Object required" I am doing a lot of work in excellence in my internship this summer, and I look forward to becoming more knowledgeable about it I am stuff I appreciate your help! RR set RR like RR = "Range" ("A2: Substituted Blank");
Is log4J / tomcat working with two different levels of logging possible? Here's my situation: I have some webapps working on the same tomecat server. Some of these applications have their own log4j property (legacy)
Some of the things I want to add include a JDBCPaepad Is a new logger which will work in all these applications (they have to be used together, so we will be very much useful to log in to the DB who choose them. ) I like this I want (and have been tested in one of the local property files for syntax purposes) to the properties file entries are written.
Is it possible to leave this new logger / jdcbender in the server-level log4j.properties file, and then what webapp can access it? For example, if I define logger as 'com.xxx.yyy' then there is a call in the class that grabes the 'com.xxx.yyy' package in any webpap, in which the caller to the logger: < / P>
Private Static Logger Logger = Logger. GetLogger (MyClass.class); Assuming the full declaration is com.xxx.yyy.MyClass.
I have tried to leave the log4j.properties file in $ CATALINA_HOME / lib directory as well as necessary jar files in the same directory (as in the comments below But when I launch my server, it does not seem that one up, though it raises one above my webapp I know that the property file should be on the classpath to move to Class 4, but it A similar-square path style May be required if there is more than one log4j.properties file? Update: I updated the details of what I did.
I have done some additional research and have learned that if multiple logs 4 j.properties If the files are in space, the system first finds it, such as with Java class / library files.
Finally, the situation I am describing is not possible, the legacy property files of all my web-apps will be ignored for adding one server-level properties. It is still possible to do something like this, but my question was specifically to focus on the log4j.properties file.
I am trying to read CR2 images using canon_edsdk-2.12
I think the DLL is loading properly, but when I try to get the real image, I get an error.
I tried to run a sample program, to see how it is different from me, but it does happen.
While trying to find the problem on the web, I found the actual source code of the sample:
My error is, at the given source, in the zero CRAWDevelopDlg :: Load image () function - err = EdsGetImage (m_ImageRef, source, kEdsTargetImageType_RGB, rect, size, DstStreamRef); If (err == EDS_ERR_OK) {...} else {AfxMessageBox ("There was an error with the EdsGetImage function."); } The above method (on line 481 on page) is the only method I use, and I get a single error - with error code 35 (instead of 0).
The error appears
#define EDS_ERR_FILE_OPEN_ERROR 0x00000023L So ... can there be something wrong with files? I experimented with the files taken by various editions including the latest versions ... files open in Photoshop ... and demo header shows notifications, because this gives error, so it can see something.
Am I missing anything?
All the required DLL systems are on the path ...
Thanks. P>
The old question, however, can help someone:
A raw file To open the SDK, you need to call these functions (you should definitely check the errors):
EdsStreamRef stream = zero; EdsImageRef imgRef = NULL; EdsCreateFileStream ("filename", KfSFile_UpdateXing, KAIDSAS_RIR, and Stream); EdsCreateImageRef (stream, & amp; imgRef); EdsRelease (stream); Then you can set and get properties with imgRef.
Use the EdsSaveImage function to save the image as jpg / tiff / rgb image.
I have a group selection that passed this function which I used to use this group.addend ("path") Make a call. Blah.blah It is incredibly slow, maybe 100 times the slowest can not tell this because 2V is delayed, but the SVG shown below is used immediately. Append is being used immediately. Can anyone tell me why? Although it works, I have to repeat the translation that I had already done for the group and it is preparing to order my SVG element. This way my node group has been declared
var node group = svg.selectAll ("g") .data (listNodes). Enter () endend ("g") .attr ("id", function (d) {returns "group_" + trim white space (d);}). Etiquette ("Transform", "Transform (580,260)"); and how svg is declared
var svg = d3.select ("# container") .append ("svg") .attr ( "Id", "svgcontainer") .attr ("viewbox", "0 1300 610") .attr ("perserve aspectratio", "xMinYMid") .attr ("width", w + margin.left + margin.right ) .attr ("height", H + margin.Top + margin.bottom) .Append ("g") .attr ("conversion", "translation (" + margin left. "," + Margin.Top + " ) ");
What are you trying to do? Personally, I consider it a bad form to mix loop with d3.js; D3 data binding is usually a better way of working compared to the loop.
Go back to your question, when you change the node group with STVG, you basically repeat the loop listNodes.length times (ListNodes.length x listEdges.length executions List.Engges.length instead). Perhaps you should expand on what you are trying to do?