Thursday 15 July 2010

c++ - Error loading cr2 with edsdk -

I am trying to read CR2 images using canon_edsdk-2.12

I think the DLL is loading properly, but when I try to get the real image, I get an error.

I tried to run a sample program, to see how it is different from me, but it does happen.

While trying to find the problem on the web, I found the actual source code of the sample:

My error is, at the given source, in the zero CRAWDevelopDlg :: Load image () function -

  err = EdsGetImage (m_ImageRef, source, kEdsTargetImageType_RGB, rect, size, DstStreamRef); If (err == EDS_ERR_OK) {...} else {AfxMessageBox ("There was an error with the EdsGetImage function."); }   

The above method (on line 481 on page) is the only method I use, and I get a single error - with error code 35 (instead of 0).

The error appears

  #define EDS_ERR_FILE_OPEN_ERROR 0x00000023L   

So ... can there be something wrong with files? I experimented with the files taken by various editions including the latest versions ... files open in Photoshop ... and demo header shows notifications, because this gives error, so it can see something.

Am I missing anything?

All the required DLL systems are on the path ...

Thanks. P>

The old question, however, can help someone:

A raw file To open the SDK, you need to call these functions (you should definitely check the errors):

  EdsStreamRef stream = zero; EdsImageRef imgRef = NULL; EdsCreateFileStream ("filename", KfSFile_UpdateXing, KAIDSAS_RIR, and Stream); EdsCreateImageRef (stream, & amp; imgRef); EdsRelease (stream);   

Then you can set and get properties with imgRef.

Use the EdsSaveImage function to save the image as jpg / tiff / rgb image.

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