Sunday 15 August 2010

android - Cannot change TextView style in oncreate -

I am not able to change the text style in function initFonts () ont ( ) My class of function is not an error, but nothing happens. I am running a runnab which is an infinite loop (delay of 1 second). Is this a problem?

  Creating a Protected Zero (Bundled Saved Instance) {super.onCreate (SavedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); InitFonts (); // Start a load dialog progressive = new progress DIOOL (main activity.); Progressdialog.setTitle ("Please Wait"); Progressdialog.setMessage ("Loading ..."); Progressdialog.setCancelable (wrong); (); // Start Upgrade All Lists Runnable = New Runnabal () {Public Zero Run () {updateList (); }}; // keep running it (); }   

I am changing fonts in initFonts () method:

  TextView cur = (TextView) findViewById (R) .id.current); Find TextView plus = (TextView) ViewById (; TextView minutes = (text view) Find VVBID (R.D. Money); Cur.setTextSize (150); Typeface font = typeface.recredset (getAssets (), "font.ttf"); Cur.setTypeface (font); Plus.getBackground () setAlpha (45) Min.getBackground () setAlpha (45). Typefost font = typeface.satset ("GetAssets"), "foldername /",   Font.ttf "); Cur.setTypeface (font);    

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