Sunday 15 August 2010

css3 - Border over borders CSS List -

I am facing problems with the edges in the CSS list (

    / Code>,
  • ). The problem is that when I set the left edge with a color and a different thickness, the bottom edge of the overlapping end shown in the screenshot below:

     Enter image details here

    In the picture to look right, so here I can help anyone in this situation Who leaves Bella

      # contact list & gt; Lee (font-weight: bold; Color: #fff; Box-Shadow: Inset 0 1 Px RGBA (255, 255, 255, 0.4); Background-image: -webkit-linear-shield (#ededed, # eff0f2); Background image: -Mo-linear-shield (#ededed, # eff0f2); Background-image: -mms-linear-shield (#ededed, # eff0f2); Background-image: linear-shield (#ededed, # eff0f2); Border bottom: 1px solid # 999999; ** Border-left: 10px solid green; ** Border-right: 1px solid # 999999; Height: 55px;   


    This is normal, limitations to each other The corners reach

    You can draw with your line box-shadow:

      #contactList & gt; Lee (font-weight: bold; Color: #fff; Box-shadow: Inset 0 1px 0 rgba (255, 255, 255, 0.4), Inset 0 -2px 3px -2px Gray ;; Background-image: -webkit-linear-shield (#ededed, # eff0f2); Background image: -Mo-linear-shield (#ededed, # eff0f2); Background-image: -mms-linear-shield (#ededed, # eff0f2); Background-image: linear-shield (#ededed, # eff0f2); Border-left: 10px solid green; Border-right: 1px solid # 999999; Height: 55px; }    

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