Saturday 15 January 2011

node.js - Is Passport for NodeJS relevant when no there are no immediate plans to integrate external API's? -

Is anyone using passports for nodes, when integrating an external API like Facebook and Twitter Do not plan?

I am looking at the arguments for implementing so-called 'strategies' for a generic certification system in my application. Or what is the only point of passport to use specific authentication strategies from other APIs?

Is there a strategy that works as a placeholder for API integration in the future, if necessary later?

Is there a strategy that works as a placeholder for future API integration Is it necessary if later? <

Yes there is.

Is there no plan to integrate external APIs?

IMHO if you do not need it, then leave it. Less dependency is a good thing when you need it, so it is easy to add. I also want to think that social logins are largely a fad which was foxy-essential at one point, but these days many people are above it.

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