Tuesday 15 February 2011

windows - batch file copying not working, tells me cannot find file specified -

So basically I have this batch file and it will be the installer when people download the program but the file and all Something already exists, even if it tells me that "the specified file can not be found - the file was copied".

Here is the code

  @echo off @ resonance Copyright Maximilian Kasharak, 2013 @echo Chrome-D will set up the establishment. Do you want to continue? This version of Pause @echo chrome-D includes many improvements, such as: @ Acro Browsing speed increases by 5% @ Better security of the @teo session @ AEO slightly better light @teo raises better resources for large computers, and More fun: D @echo Please check @echo copying chome-d_x64.exe @echo ... xcopy for 64 bit possibilities when Chrome-D on your computer is installed on your computer. "Cc" : \ Program Files X86) \ Google \ Chrome Application "/ c / q / i / e / y xcopy"% ~ dp0 \ chrome1.exe "" C: \ " Program Files (x86) \ Google \ Chrome App \ "/ c / \" \ Program Files \ x86 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Chrome \ Application "/ C / q / I / e / yxcopy"% ~ dp0 \ start.bat " Q / i / e / y @echo lairs directory @echo .. ..xcopy "% ~ dp0 \ LAYERS" "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Google \ Chrome Application" / c / q / i / e / Y @echo library directory @echo copy ... xcopy "% ~ dp0 \ Library \" C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Google \ Chrome Application \ "/ c / q / i / e / y @echo Desktop @echo Create shortcut on ... @ AKD | Xcopy "% ~ dp0 \ chrome-d 64.lnk" "% userprofile% desktop" / c / q / i / e / y @echo Removing the ghost copies of layers and library folders on the desktop, sorry for bug @echo is. .. rmdir / s / q "% USERPROFILE% \ Desktop \ Layers \" rmdir / s / q "% USERPROFILE% \ Desktop \ Library" @echo copy @echo copying chrome.exe @echo for 32 bit possibilities ... Xcopy "% ~ Dp0 \ chrome.exe" "C: \ Program Files \ Google \ Chrome Application \" / c / q / i / e / y @echo Liners Directory Copying @echo ... mkdir C: \ Program Files \ Google \ Chrome \ Application Layers \ xcopy "% ~ dp0 \ LAYERS" "C: \ Program Files \ Google \ Chrome Application \" / c / q / i / e / y @echo copy library directory @echo ... mkdir C: \ program Hailen \ Google \ Chrome \ Application library \ "% ~ dp0 \" library "C: \ Program Files \ Google \ Chrome app \" / C / Q / I / E / Y @echo create a shortcut on the desktop @echo. ..xcopy "% ~ dp0 \ chrome-d.lnk" "% userprofile% desktop" / c / q / i / e / y xcopy "% ~ dp0 \ chrome-d 64.lnk" "% userprofile% \ Desktop" / C / Q / I / E / Y @ EEEEEEEER and Library's ghost copies removes folders on the desktop, sorry for bug @ chico ... rmdir / s / q "% USERPROFILE% \ Desktop \ LAYERS" rmdir / s / Q "% USERPROFILE% Desktop \ Library" pause @echo chrome-D is done:) @echo @echo @echo To launch a new and more awesome version of Chrome-D, click on the shortcut on your desktop. @echo Please remember to manually add shortcuts to Windows Taskbar (above or below your computer), thanks for trying @echo@echo Chrome-D! : D @Ho is a good day ahead! Paused   

What is wrong with the code in me, and files and folders are not already present.

Can anyone help please?

One screenshot per folder I'm referring to:

Note: 64 bits (the first half) should not work because I'm testing 32 bit com, But this does not work on 32 bit com

  xcopy "% ~ dp0 \ chrome.exe   

xcopy before the file names double backslash \\ does not like to change all

 < Code> xcopy "% ~ dp0 \"   


  xcopy "% ~ dp0" rim Example: Xcopy "% ~ dp0chrome.exe"   

Ironically, this path is not an issue if this path appears in names, like xcopy "% ~ dp0 \ Library \ chrome.exe"

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