Sunday 15 April 2012

html5 - My javascript (for randomizing css3 animation delays) doesnt fire in IE 10 and Opera...Jsfiddle Included -

I have encountered this problem and I am trying to fix it by day. Everything I have done is making an JSFEL with an explanation of the whole issue and an example example code for you. (For Var = n), 0, r = t. Long; N & LT; R, N ++) {E = Mathrade (Math.Randem) * 7A3) + "MS"; T [n] .style. Animation Dele = A; T [n] .style.WebkitAnimationDelay = e}}, false)

What am I doing wrong? It does not seem to work in IE 10 or Opera.

EDIT: It seems that IE10 only removes the script when refreshing the page.

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