Sunday 15 April 2012

RAILS: Availability of Resource after booking over period of time with calendar_for -

I am writing a booking system for rental of counts of revenue in the rail. As the owner of the resource, Together, wants to see the total amount of resources.

Mem is a good option for the calendar, except that I fail to find a way to show this percentage by time. Suppose the total resource is 100:

  • 20 units from 12-January-2013 to 20 February 2013
  • From 15-January-2013 Client-B books till 1-March-2013 30 units

    I want to see the booked capacity

    • 12-January-2013 to 14-January-2013 = 20% (Booking with client-A )
    • By 30th January 2013 - 20th February 2013 = 50% (20
    • From February 21, 2013 to March 1, 2013 = 30% (Booking from Client-B only

      Gradually, I collected these gems

      • Mani 'incident Mani 'table_builder'
      • Mani 'watu_table_builder'
      • Mani 'calendar_date_select'

        Below Code famous lesson Lascate # 213.


          & lt;% = @ date.prev_month.strftime ("% B% Y ")% & gt; & lt;% = calendar_for (@budgetings, year = & gt; @ date.year, month = & date; date.prev_month.month) do this; calendar | & gt; ; & Lt;% = calendar.head ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Mars', 'Mercury', 'Thor', 'Venus', 'Saturn')% & gt; & lt;% : Day_method = & gt ;: from_date). Date, booking & Gt%; & Lt;% = & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt;% for reservation in booking% & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt;% = link_to h (bookingcampetti), booking% & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt;   

        is optional:

          & lt; Li & gt; & Lt;% = LINK_TO hour (booking.total_capacity (date)), booking% & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt;   

        I have tried to combine it with booking.rb two methods:

        It shows that the book From the percentage of units received-)
          def capacity @ a = Resource.find_by_id (self.resource_id) .units [(self.units/@a*100) .to_s + "%"] .   

        This shows total bookings only from ~ to_date
          DRF total_package (day) @ wall = booking.jux (: Resources). In the <{code}   

        booking model ("# {day}" and "time and time" :

      • :
      • :
      • :
      • :
      • :

        Resource Model <

        • : Units

          Thanks, Nick

          booking_days / index_calendar.html .rb


          The booking_days_controller.rb

            def was backed up with index_calendar @date = params [: month]? Date.strptime (parameter [months], "% Y-% m"): dend=@date.next_month.end_of_month rid = Resource.find_by_user_id dstart=@date.prev_month.beginning_of_month (session [: user_id]) .id sql = ["Select @row: = @row + 1 as the id, select ts.dat as the day, sum (from bookings.value) as the value" + "(choose the adapter ('# { Dstart} ', Numl000ki) as Dat "+" num1000 where adddate (' # {dstart} ', num1000.i) & lt; =' ts as # {dend} '), resource, " + "select booking JOIN (@row: = 0) R" + "where bookings.resources_id = and = # {rid} and adddate (bookings.from_time, -1) & lt; = ts .dat and ts.dat & lt; = bookings.till_time group Ts.dat "].] @booking_days Join = BookingDay.find_by_sql (sql) response_to do | Format | Format.html # index_calendar.html.erb format.json {render json: @booking_days} End End   

          Booking_days "On-Fly" has been created and is not stored in DB.

          The structure of Booking_day is {: id,: value ,: day}.

          The booking object is stored in DB and this structure is the basis of all the information shown in the calendar through the booking_day object: {_the_time ,: to_time ,: from_time ,: source_id ,: value_} .

          Number1000 = 0 ... 999


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