Saturday 15 June 2013

ios - Why VideoPlayerViewController can be presented from iPad but not from iPhone? -

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I have a universal app and 2 storyboard (for iPad and iPhone). In a view controller, when I tap a button, a video is playing. I am doing that with:

  - (zero) playMoviesForItems: (NSArray *) shopItems {VideoPlayerViewController * movieplayer = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: @ "videoPlayerController"]; [Self presentViewController: animated movieplayer: not complete: zero]; [Movie player playmovie's force: shop items]; }   

In the iPad, everything works fine but in the iPhone, I can hear the sound of the film, but there is no visible sight. This is not shown in the iPad.

So where am I? Is this a good way to present a video controller?

I think that the video player is not set to frame your frame properly. You use the appropriate class Use video like or the current modal view controller. I am able to play the video in the iphone player. How come it will not work for you? I do not hope to make apple junk change.

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