Saturday 15 June 2013

windows runtime - How to does WindowsRT Data-binding do type conversion without TypeConverterAttribute -

In the previous question / answer I have learned how to bind data in Windows Phone string < I now see the same problem in the WindowsStore apps using Code> TypeConverterAttribute -> View

using ImageSource where TypeConverterAttribute .

If I use WinRT data-binding then explicitly the data binding layer is still managed to make the right conversion. Says:

This behavior is based on the underlying type conversion that processes the string as a URI, and makes a call equal to the bitmapimage (Uri) constructor.

However, I can not see any meta data anywhere how it converts.

I am trying to make my data-binding implementation - so it is able to think what WinRT would be useful.

Is there a qualified metadata prompt somewhere that tells Xaml data-binding to see which conversion applies? Or is this string to the ImageSource conversion somehow cooked in run-time, hidden from the CLR layer?

If it is hidden, can I cache my data binding implementation?

I discussed this question via WinRT devs (Tim Heuer) via Twitter

There was a basic summary of this conversation:

  • There is nothing like WinRT TypeConverterAttribute
  • In a small number of WinRT controllers internal conversion Li>

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