Wednesday 15 January 2014

mysql - mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text">

Then I will need this heavy headache inducing the query that I need to form 65 , inputs The need to include the mysqli can be injected into a database using the prepared statement.

The issue I am going to say is that it is not going to match the variable bind_param is trying to call # is the #in I use of "S" I'm doing I counted a dozen times. And I do not know where I'm wrong. 65 variables and 65 "s" are.

Is anyone missing me something? Or am I mistakenly using the Bind_Param method?

  // Preparing our query statement through MySkili that all bad characters will automatically be saved to stop the injection $ query3 = 'DATASHIPPAYS include in COMPLETE_APPLICATIONS (PROJECT_NAME, STATUS, funding_requested, project_title, program, county, parish, name_of_watercourse, which_is_a_tributary_of, name_of_applicant, contact_person_or_project_supervisor, relationship_to_organization, business_phone, home_phone, email, Signature_of_thesis_or_study_supervisor, Mailing_address, Postal_code, website, mailing_address_for_payment, hst_registration_no, total_cost_dollar, total_cost_percent, dollar_amount_requested_from_nbwtf, percent_amount_reque sted_from_nbwtf, descriptive_summary, background_of_organization, mandate, Years_in_existence, membership, accomplishments, previous_project_name, previous_project_number, previous_project_amount_received_from_nbwtf, summary_of_activities, summary_of_Results, project_title_2, reason_and_or_purpose, objectives, Project_description, methods, equipment_and_materials_required, personnel_required, proposed_start_date, proposed_end_date, type_of_data_to_be_stored, where_will_it_be_housed, monitoring, Short_term_achievement, long_term_achievement, previous_studies, needed_permits, consultant, short_term_commitment, long_term_commitment, project_duration, project_evaluation, promotion_of_project, promotion_of_client, publication_of_results, community_benefits, effects_on_traditional_uses, Possible_changes_in_public_access_to_areas, possible_impact_on_wildlife_and_or_environment, likelihood_of_futu Re_requests_for_funding, list_all_other_foundings_sources_for_this_project) value (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? ) '; Query "Preparing" using // mysqli- & gt; prepared (query) - which is equivalent to mysql_real_escape_string - in other words, this safe database injection method is $ stmt = $ dbConnection-> ($ QUERY3) ready; // "Bind_param" == $ stmt- & gt; with all the variables in the above mentioned query; Bind_param ("S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S"? ", SS, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, s, s, s, s, s ", $ project_name, $ status, $ funding_requested, $ Project_title, $ program, $ county, $ parish, $ name_of_waterhouse, $ name_of_applicant, $ contact_person_or_project_supervisor, $ relationship_to_organization, $ business_phone, $ home_phone, $ email, $ signature_of_thesis_or_study_supervisor, $ mailing_address, $ postal_code, $ website, $ mailing_address_for_payment , $ Hst_registration_no, $ t otal_cost_dollar, $ total_cost_percent, $ dollar_amount_requested_from_nbwtf, $ percent_amount_requested_from_nbwtf, $ descriptive_summary, $ background_of_organization, $ mandates, $ Years_in_existence, $ membership, $ achievements, $ previous_project_name, $ previous_project_number, $ previous_project_amount_received_from_nbwtf, $ summary_of_activities, $ Summary_of_ result, $ project_title_2, $ reason_and_or_purpose_2 $ $ $ $ Project_description, $ methods, $ equipment_and_materials_required, $ personnel_quick, $ proposed_start_date, $ proposed_and_date, $ type_f_data_b_stard, $ where_will_it_be_housed, $ monitoring, $ short_term_commitment, $ long_term_achievement, $ previous_studies, $ required_pad, $ advisor, $ short_term_commitment, $ Long_term_c Ommitment, $ project_duration, $ project_evaluation, $ promotion_of_project, $ promotion_of_client, $ publication_of_results, $ community_benefits, $ effects_on_traditional_uses, $ possible_changes_in_public_access_to_areas, $ possible_impact_on_wildlife_and_or_environment, $ likelihood_of_future_requests_for_funding, $ list_all_other_funding_sources_for_this_project); // Actual query! $ Stmt- & gt; Executed ();    

Characters in the string should not be separated with a comma: < Previous> $ stmt-> gt; Bind_param ("sss ...", / * variable * /);

You can see the format shown in examples.

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