Check this page in Chrome when the page loads each other element between title and song (key selector and link) If you are hovering over two sections, it seems to be related to ambiguity and / or css infection.
As far as I can see, it is only in Chrome and I do not understand what is happening here because it works perfectly in both Firefox, Opera and IE.
Is there anything about my CSS or markup? Or is it a bug in Chrome? Or what's going on here? Can there be any way to stop it?
Announcement from your to It seems that all of your elements are scaling according to this because they have the measurement in about the details May be wrong, but the solution works :) font :
Body, Input, Text, Select {font: 120% / 1.5 'Helvetia New', Ariel, 'Liberation Sons', Frisans, Sense-Serif; }
select body, input, textara, {font: 100% 'helvetia new', aerial, 'liberation sessions', freephone , Without -serif; }
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