Thursday 15 July 2010

c++ - How to Initialize objects with overloaded constructors using different files -

I have tried to really do everything to try to start the manufacturer so that when I make an object and If I pass the parameter, then it will wont give me a crazy negative number, but it still does not work!

To test that I use getHp and attack function. So for example, if I say hero hi (100, 200, 300, 400), I say Hi.getHP () , this should be 100 (first parameter) ...

  // main.cpp int main () {Hero Me (100,20,30,40); // Overloaded manufacturer Monster M (100,16,18,20); // makes use of a monster object and overloaded manufacturer to start COAT & lt; & Lt; "\ Ntest1 \ n"; Me.getHp (); // 100 me.getAttack (); // is expected w.e parameters in m.getHp (); // 100 m.getAttack (); // Similar to hero cin.sync (); Cin.get (); Return 0; }   

Here is my remaining code, if you need it. I also left the header and in this way for simple code.

  //characters.h class character {private: integer level; Intel HP; Int invasion; Int Protect; Protected: character (); // zero everything by the default letter (int, int, int, int); // Populate clearly ~ characters (); Public: int getAttack () const {return attack; } Int getDefense () const {return protection; } Int getHp () const {return hp; } Int Bakelvell () const {Return Level; } Zero set int (int); Zero set defence (int); Zero setstrength (int); Zero sethp (int); Zero setlevel (int); Zero loss (int); }; //Characters.cpp Characters :: Character (): Level (0), HP (0), Attack (0), Defense (0) {} //}: Characters :: Characters (Int. Seeds) // // // NB Your code still does not initialize HP, Strength etc. // It also logs the level before starting it, so that garbage can be / / character / character (int hit, int lvl, int att, int def): //: level (LVL), HP ( Hit (Attack), Attack (def) {} Hero :: Hero (Int Nachp, Int New Level, Int Newactac, Int New Diff): Characters (NewHP, NewLawl, NewEtenak), New Def) {cout & Lt; & Lt; "Hero has been created using overloaded function! \ N"; HeroHp = newHp; Cout & lt; & Lt; "HP is:" & lt; & Lt; HeroHp & lt; & Lt; Endl; Herolevel = newLevel; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Level is:" & lt; & Lt; Harlevel and LT; & Lt; Endl; HeroAttack = newAttack; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Attack is:" & lt; & Lt; Hero ATAC & lt; & Lt; Endl; Hero Defense = New Def; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Defense:" & lt; & Lt; Hero Defense & Lieutenant; & Lt; Endl; // Logging goes here / note that you do not need Hiranelwe do etc.), Demon :: Demon (Inti NHP, Int New Level, Int Nuitak, Int New Deff): MonsterHeP (NewHP), MonsterLayewell (New Lavaval) , MonsterAttech (Newnetc), Monster Defence (Newfed) // Initial list {cout & lt; & Lt; "Monster created using overloaded function! \ N"; MonsterHp = newHp; Cout & lt; & Lt; "HP is:" & lt; & Lt; MonsterHp & lt; & Lt; Endl; Monsterlevel = newLevel; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Level is:" & lt; & Lt; Monsterlevel & lt; & Lt; Endl; MonsterAttack = newAttack; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Attack is:" & lt; & Lt; Monsters & lt; & Lt; Endl; MonsterDefense = newDef; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Defense:" & lt; & Lt; Monster Defense & lt; & Lt; Endl; } Character: ~ character () {cout & lt; & Lt; "The character has been deleted! \ N"; } Zero letter :: setAttack (int att) {attack = att; } Zero characters: setDefense {defense = def; } Zero characters :: setHp (full health) {hp = health; } Nil character: Damage damage (complete damage) {HP - = Damage; } Zero characters :: setlevel (int lvl) {level = lvl; } // monsters.h class Monster: public characters / heroes {Private: int Monsterlevel; Int MonsterHp; Internstrength; Int Monster Etaq; Int morphing; Public: monster (int, int, int, int); // clear (demon); }; // Monster CPP Monster :: ~ Demon () {cout & lt; & Lt; "\ N Monitor destroyed"; } //Hero.h class heroes: public characters {Private: Intel Herolling; Int HeroHP; Int heroesthenth; Int Hero Attacks; Int hero defence; Public: // Hero (); Hero (int, int, int, int); ~ Hero (); }; //Hero.cpp Hero: ~ Hero () {cout & lt; & Lt; "Hero is destroyed! \ N"; } << Code>   

HeroHp in Hero Class and hp have the different variables hero for the constructor never intializes hp , which The variable given by getHp is.

You may want to end the HeroXx variables in the Hero category and use the character related to the class in the base class .

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