Thursday 15 July 2010

How to automatically add build number to Xcode ios archive -

The other day, I was going through a search of a specific build in my encoded collection, and I saw that all of these Looks the same! The question is very simple, but I can not find any way to do it. In fact, I want to add a build number to name or comment (this does not really make any difference) in the name of collection so that I can recognize it later. Keep in mind that I do not want the version number that you see after clicking the collection. It is used to work because I have incremental constructions which are distributed on an ad hoc network with a test strike with the same version number, but for different build numbers, for example, both and Is shown as 2.0.8. Any ideas?

What are you using to create your archives? Are you using Xcode GUI through product - & gt; collection? Or are you using a type of build script that calls xcodebuild? If you are using Xcode GUI, then I am not aware of any kind of name to automate the name - when you build a build you have to copy into the complete build number.

If you are using a build script, look at PlistBuddy (ship with OSX but not in your path by default, usually it is / usr / libexec / PlistBuddy < / Code>). You can use PlistBuddy to read the build number from your target's Info.plist and then insert that value into the name / description of the collection you are creating.

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