Here I have created a function to generate random keys,
function gen_link ( ) {$ Link = ''; $ S = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'; For ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; = 4; $ i ++) $ link = $ link $ S [Rand (0, 63)]; $ Link returned; } I do not want to repeat the key in the mysql table, I have made it unique in mysql, but what do I have to do, when the key already exists, then i will have another random : I want to generate the key and try to add it to the table again, I have tried this code below.
$ con = mysqli_connect ("localhost", "shashi", "asd123", "redir"); $ Sql = "Enter in the 'link' ('link') value ('$ link')"; Do {$ link = gen_link (); $ Result = mysqli_query ($ conn, $ sql); } While (mysqli_errno ($ thief) == 1064); Mysqli_close ($ thief); But it does not work at all, it keeps looping. What can i do
Instead of generating a real error, use a query like this:
$ sql = "` link` (`link`) values ('$ link')"; And make sure something is actually inserted:
while (mysqli_affected_rows ($ con) == 0); All together, it looks like this:
$ con = mysqli_connect ("localhost", "shashi", "asd123", "redir "); Do {$ link = gen_link (); Ignore $ Sql = "` link` (`link`) values ('$ link')"; $ Result = mysqli_query ($ conn, $ sql); } While (mysqli_affected_rows ($ con) == 0); Mysqli_close ($ thief); In addition, a couple notes about your inquiries: -
I have created my quotes around table and column names -
Because you are including the $ link variable directly in the query, you have to define your query Required After you assign a value to the $ link variable - so I took that line inside the loop. This is probably the source of your original problem where you had looping. -
This is not important in this example because you have full control of the value that you are going to enter ( gn_link () ), but Alternatively, read a little bit, and use them instead, to come into the habit of avoiding the variables inserting in a query.
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