Thursday 15 July 2010

.net - ajax, jquery ,respose error (500 internal server error) & xml parsing error -

I am unable to get feedback from AJAX. Please guide me how to solve this error I get successful data from server I am checking it in Bella web debugger and still showing Ajax error ... XML parsing error: no element found Location: Mono-Nulprinishnal: {6b0a1ac2-50ab-4053- 9f71-8ae49202288d} Row number 1, column 1:

  $ j.ajax ({type: "post", url: 'http: // www / webservices / tempconvert.asmx / CelsiusToFahrenheit ', data:' Celsius = 12 ', crossderman: true, async: false, success: function (feedback) {warning ("success completed" + response.string) ;}});    

I do not believe in cross domain post XML I would like to use jsonp though Can try

  Datatype: 'jsonp'   

To add it, it is possible to post a post when you use JSONP. GET is possible only with JSONP.

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