Thursday 15 July 2010

storyboard - iOS Autolayout - Position view correctly below translucent navigation bar -

In my storyboard, I have a UIImageView that I would like to keep at a certain distance a translucent Below the navigation bar, I have a simulated top bar for the View Controller set on the translucent bar, and now I say that "top space to supervise 52 is equal," 8 points below the bar.

However, when the scene rotates for landscape, the navigation bar shrinks to 34 digits, and the image view is still like 52 points as it was in portrait

the navigation bar What obstacles can I use in IB to keep the image view below 8 digits, no matter how long?

Thank you!

Select your UIImageView and create a barrier to top layout guide Control-drag on If you are not familiar with the top layout guide, you can choose it in the composition view on the left.

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