Saturday 15 January 2011

playframework - Play 1.2.5 admin module shows access denied -

Here's my code:

1 app works some logs but does nothing.
  increases the public class application CRUD {}   

2. The user is the model I want to edit, so I have a user as the controller:
  public class user application {}   

Increase 3 Route:
  # Routes # This file determines all application routes (first primary priority route) # ~~~~ # Home page GET / application.index # Ignore favicon requests Get Favicon.ico 404 # See Static Resources in Public / Gat / Public / Static Directory from Public App / Public Folders: Public # Import CRUD routes / admin module: crud #Catch all * / {controller} / { Action} {fixed} Internal}.   

Then I follow localhost: 9000 / admin , it shows that 404 pages can not be found:

 < Code> This route has been tried in this command: received / @documentation / cheat sheet / {class} PlayDocumentation.cheatSheet GET / @documentation / module / {module} / files / {name} PlayDocumentation.file GET / @documentation / module / {Module} / picture / {name} PlayDocumentation.image / @ documentation / module / {module} / {ID} get / @ knot Ejhikrn / files / {name} PlayDocumentation.file find / @ documentation / images / {name} PlayDocumentation. Get the image / @documentation / {ID} PlayDocumentation.pag e GET / @ documentation /? PlayDocumentation.index GET / Application.index GET / favicon.ico 404GET / Public / StaticDayer: Public GET / Administrator / CRUD.index * / {controller} / {action} {controller}. {Action}   

Then I add a slug localhost: 9000 / admin / :

, its use is denied!

How do I deal with this?

Try annotation with @ instead of extension of the application:

 < Code> @ (application.class) @ CRUD.For (User.class) public class user CRUD {}    

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