Sunday 15 May 2011

android - Map marker doesn't point to exact location -

I'm storing markers on my map in a SQLite database. I am trying to query the markers latitude and longitude. So for testing I am adding a marker to a specific location. When it gives me second place would examine the marker position is

  private void drawMarker (LatLng point, string title, string snippets) {//) MarkerOptions MarkerOptions markerOptions = an example (make; // setting latitude and marker L = new LatLng (37.52100000000001, -77.44800000000001) longitude LatLng new MarkerOptions; markerOptions.position (L); MarkerOptionsktitle (title); MarkerOptionsksnippet (snippet) ; // Google to add markers on the map googleMap.addMarker (marker option);}   

Mark And the position of the code to remove

  googleMap.setOnInfoWindowClickListener (new OnInfoWindowClickListener () {@Override public void onInfoWindowClick (marker marker) {Markerl = marker; LatLng mlatlong = marker1.getPosition ( ); MarkerLat = Double.toString (mlatlong.latitude); markerLng = Double.toString (mlatlong.longitude); latitude = mlatlong.latitude; longitude = mlatlong.longitude; Log.i ("marker", mlatlong.latitude + ", "+ Mlatlong.longitude); Markerdig ();}});   

This gives me the position 06-20 21: 53: 52.447: I / Marker (15221): 37.52100000569583, -77.44800008833408

in Java, and the other languages ​​you've come, double is not stored as an exact value.

You can also read more.

In addition, it is not true that there should be no impact on the places you post.

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