Monday 15 August 2011

ios - ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK returning empty authToken in response? -

I wanted an OCR solution for my project and I found interesting in ABBI Y Cloud OCR SDK I just provided in gitHub Checking the sample requires an applicationID and password to authenticate this project to your server. I got the required certificate by registering in my site as a free trial. The problem is that I can not prove I get an empty article in response form.

It crashes

  NSString * installationId = [responseDictionary valueForKey: @ "authToken"]; [[NSUserDefaults standard standard defaults] setObject: for installationId forkey: kOCRSDKInstallationId]; NSParameterAssert (self.installationId);   

I am from the sample project I used to do and I can not understand the reason. Enter image details here

This is a one on NSParameterAssert (self.installationId) Extraordinary breakpoint);

I get it on crashing

Failure failure - [OCRDemoClient activateInformationWidEid ID: Success: Failure: force:], / user /

Close screenshot is available

Reactions here P>

  Print description of response dictionary: {"__name" = response; "_xmlns" = ""; "_xmlns: xsi" = ""; "_xsi: Schema Location" = ""; AuthToken = {}; }   

I'm interested in finding out why I can not certify? Am I missing something?

Thank you in advance

Error in sample code due to problem. It should be fixed this week, please see the temporary solution.

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