Monday 15 August 2011

jsp - dojotype="dijit.form.FilteringSelect" causing 'options.length' is null or not an object javascript error -

While executing the code below, I'm getting a Javascript error 'options.length' is zero or not an object When I remove "dojotype =" dijit.form.FilteringSelect "in jsp within the selection tag, this correct value is working fine. Warning Print when the dojotype attribute is not in the code, but displays empty when the dojotype attribute exists ... I'm sure the cause of the problem is of your valuable help. Thank you

  .jsp & LT; Select the name = "shoppingCategoryCode1" id = "shoppingCategoryCode1" onchange = "RatePlan.onchangeShoppingCategory (); RatePlan.updateStatus (true), "dojotype =" dijit.form.FilteringSelect "if there is =" RatePlan.shoppingCategoryIsValid1 "invalidMessage =" & lt; Spring: Message code = '' / & gt; "& Gt; .js on sel = dojo.byId (" shoppingCategoryCode1 "); For alert (sel.options.length); (Var I = 0; I & lt; sel.options.length; i ++) { If (sel.options [i] .Value == "full") {sel.selectedIndex = I; break;}}    

This is when you select shoppingcategoryCode1 in a widget select, it is now a because of the

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