Monday 15 August 2011

Using VIM effectively with Ruby/Rails -

I've recently been using VIM as my preferred editor, but still I'm still on Sublime Text 2 Much productivity has not been found. I have read half of the book "Partial Vim" and have obtained the OT at that point where I am in almost normal mode instead of inclusive mode. Sometimes using visuals.

My Vime Plugins are as follows:

  one ???? Depot-app Git: (master) ls -l ~ / .vim / bundle Total 84 drwxrwxr-x 5 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 9 17:31 bufexplorer drwxrwxr- x 4 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:48 jacinto.vim drwxrwxr-x 5 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:41 nerdcommenter drwxrwxr-x 9 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:39 nerdtree drwxrwxr-x 8 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:43 syntastic drwxrwxr-x 6 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:51 vim- bundler drwxrwxr-x 11 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:47 vim- coffee script drwxrwxr-x 5 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:30 vim- commentary drwxrwxr- x 4 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:35 vim- along drwxrwxr- X 5 rich r Chard 4096 Jun 8 23:39 vim- eunuch drwxrwxr-x 8 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:46 vim-haml drwxrwxr-x 6 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:45 vim-markdown drwxrwxr-x 6 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23 : 51 vim- rail drwxrwxr- x 4 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:36 vim- repeat drwxrwxr-x 13 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:50 vim- ruby ​​drwxrwxr-x 8 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:52 Vim-ruby -refactoring drwxrwxr-x 6 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:35 vim-SpeedDating drwxrwxr-x 5 Richard Richard 4096 drwxrwxr-x Jun 8 around 23:37 vim- 6 Richard Richard 4096 Jun 8 23:53 vim-textobj-rubyblock Drwxrwxr-x6 Richard Richard 4096 8 Jun 23:51 vim-textobj-user dr Wxrwxr-x 5 Richard Richard 4096 8 Jun 23:38 Vim-unused   

In classic text 2, I could suppress Alt +. To quickly close any html tag, there is also a binding to enclose a line with quotation marks, or lift;% =%> And keep the cursor in the middle so I do not have to write the ERB tag myself, then there is a lack of autocomplete, but I can stay at least without it.

How can I accomplish these things in Vima?

Note: The latest version of VIM from the Ubuntu repositories

Vim has a complete completion mechanism with different requirements: keyword-completion, line-completion , Filename-integer | | And Omni-perfection, what you probably want. VIM auto --completion does not, but there are several plugins that provide functionality: ,, |? | | | |

Before trying those plugins, D suggest that you read : New omni-completion (and related pages) and learn how to use the built-in mechanism Please. & lt; C-x & gt; & Lt; C-O & gt; Obviously neither auto -matic nor very comfortable, but it is easy to reprint for some more work.

You are already around: this is what gives you around (hint) with text quotes and more what you want, now, is in read this is the shortcut that you use to surround the current line with double quotes:

  yss "  iabbrev etag & lt;% =%> 
left & gt;
  The object can be done relatively easily with condensation ( : Support Notation ):   

Omni-above mentioned Can be used to close the HTML tag but it is not really optimal. I use SnipMate to insert tags, but there are a lot of tag-closing plugins in it. / P>

As a matter of fact, that problem and attachment can be easily solved by the same plugin.

Good luck.

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