Sunday 15 January 2012

php - PHPUnit with DBUnit: initial fixture fails to set up -

I have created a database test class for one of my modules when I try to run a test case, the initial stability All tables are empty in the test database. Here is my getDataSet () method:

  / ** * @return PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_IDataSet * / public function getDataSet () {$ this- & Gt return; CreateFlatXMLDataSet (dirname (__ file __) '/ dataset /. Initial.xml'); }   

I found that the getDataSet () method gets called because when I make a syntax error in it, the test execution fails. But when I make errors in the file.xml file, nothing happens. It looks like the file is not being parsed in all like initial.xml!

The path of the file should be fine, but I have noticed that when I enter the wrong path, again, nothing happends Apparently, the method creates a flat XML data set (), which does not throw any exceptions if something goes wrong. So now I do not have any clues about why this does not work: After the text "itemprop =" text ">

resolved: (

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