Sunday 15 April 2012

.net - What is a reference profile and its purpose? -

I read WinRT (Windows runtime) in the C # 5.0 briefly and I Found. Some Basic Context in .NET Development: Reference Assembly and Reference Profile So, I have a certain respect for the last duration: What is a reference profile and its purpose?

In addition to this, I paste the entire paragraph describing the overlap between the NAT Framework libraries and the WinRT libraries (I think the description of the need to create an reference profile WinRT libraries have new Metro user interfaces (for immersive touch-first applications), mobile devices -Specific features (sensor, text messaging and similar), and core functions. A range that overlaps with parts of the .NET Framework. Due to this overlap, Visual Studio includes a reference profile (a set of .NET reference assemblies) for Metro projects, which hides part of the NIT Framework, which overlaps with WinRT. This profile also hides a large part of the .NET Framework considered to be unnecessary for the tablet app (such as to access the database). Microsoft's App Store, which controls the distribution of software for consumer devices, tries to access any type of program hidden.

Just like a book, reference profile is just one of the reference assemblies For example, there are separate profiles for the WinRT application and there are the normal .NET 4.5 applications.

Reference Assembly is a assembly in which the definitions of the type and its members are, but there is no code in of these reference assemblies Used on compile time , but at a runtime, a runtime assembly , where code methods are used.

For example, the method will not include the method in the WinRT assembly for code> MScLib reference, because this way is not allowed under WinRT due to image but at runtime, both WinRT applications and The normal net application will use the same mscorlib runtime assembly, which does include that method.

All this is a set of runtime assembly, while there are different ideas besides this. Which limits functionality, this is useful when you want to create limited profiles (such as WinRT) or when you want to upgrade runtime assemblies with new functionality, while keeping in mind the ability to target only the old stuff (like you .NET 4.0 upgrades your runtime assemblies .Net 4.5, but you still have .NET 4.0 reference assemblies, so you can still work on .Net 4.0 project They can pollute those things without any mistake. 4.5).

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