Saturday 15 September 2012

firebase - Issue with security rules getting data via -

I have a problem setting my security rules properly, especially reading post data.

Data hierarchy:

  Posted: {title: "Post One", User ID: 6}}, User: {6: {Name: "My name"} }   

And my rules are:

  {"rule": {"posts": {"$ post": {".read": " Data.child ('UserID'). Val () == "," .write ":" newData.child ('userId'). Val () == "}}," user ": {"$ User": {".read": " == $ user", ".write": " == $ user"}}}}   

I know that "" is 6, because it is dragging my user information correctly if I have the numbers permanently Changes the rules for selling, so it works:

  "$ post": {".read": "data.child ('userId'). Val () == 6 "," .write ":" newData.child ('userId'). Val () == "}   

but not using Am i missing One thing to keep in mind is that the security rules are safe, in particular, in the rules, " 6 "! = 6 (because there is a string and a number). So maybe your is "6" (in the form of a string), but as your user id number 6?

If this is the case, then a potential fix will change your rule expression like this:

  data.child ('userId'). Val () + '' ==   

that will force the user to be a string. Alternatively, you can change your data to ensure that the User ID is always stored as a string.

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