Friday 15 February 2013

metadata - Wordpress get_post_meta does not return when using variable -

I'm trying to get a plugin to read the post metadata of an attachment, and it's used to post content I am using the following in my subjects function.php:

  add_action ('afip_created_post', 'get_desc', 10, 2); Function get_desc ($ post_id, $ attachment_id) {$ postmeta = get_post_meta ($ attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_metadata', is true); $ Meta = $ postmeta ['image_mata']; $ Mmwwdesc = $ meta ['description']; Wp_update_post (array ('id' = & gt; $ post_id, 'post_content' = & gt; $ mmwwdesc)); }   

To hook more functions, use this line in the plugin

  do_action ('afip_created_post', $ new_post_id, $ post_id);   

If I fill the varibale "$ attachment_id" with the number from any other post then "15", I have been put in the published post. If I change the output to wp_update_post (array ('id' = & gt; $ post_id, 'post_content' = & gt; $ attachment_id); I get an ID number in the published postal body. I do not understand why the original code does not work, because $ attachment_id is properly defined. I'm just starting with php, is there anything clear that I am doing wrong? Is the variable $ attachment_id being echoed when it should be returned, or some technical?

Background: I call two WordPress plugins, a Media Metadata Workflow Wizard (MMWW), and the other is Automated Featured Image Post (AFIP). MMWW removes image metadata and writes it into database in the form of post meta. AFIP creates new posts using the uploaded media, and setting the post as a thumbnail, adds each image to a post. I do not think the function is called when no issue of metadata is being prepared This is because AFIP creates a post after uploading the media, and its meta database was written to. I am also making my function as an update of the post, after that it has been made.

I have not done extensive search and trial and error successfully Can anyone help me?

Thank you!

I think your issue is here that the get_post_meta function is returning blank in function.php this problem The way to deal with, to back up the data in your POT meta is to use a MYSQL query with WordPress.

First you need a global $ wpdb object, so that at the beginning of your function, type: global $ wpdb; Then you need to take the get_post_meta action via mysql and $ wpdb objects:

  $ postmeta = $ wpdb-> Get_var (Select "Meta_Wall from $ FROM Wpdb-> postmeta" WHERE meta_key = '_wp_attachment_metadata' and post_id = $ attachment_id ");   

replace your get_post_meta line with wpdb query And you should be okay.

domready - displaying a dynamic background image within a google maps infobox on -

I am trying to add a background image to that div that is within the content of Google Map Infobox. I'm running into problems because the function I used to replace .css ('background-image') is not in identifying the ID of the div. This is likely to happen because the string of content is not loaded, when Infobox is opened. I know that I have to listen to an event 'domed' or similar, but I am not sure how to implement it. The code in question is given:

  var boxcontent = var boxcompany = "
img id = Logo src = "+ + Logopath +" /> gt; & lt; h1 & gt; "+ number +" & lt; br / & gt; + Road + "
" + City + "& lt; / h1 & gt; & lt; h2 & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = menu & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; + "Button ID = Photo onClick = buttonState (> & Lt; Img src = infomenu / commentsicon.png & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; + "Button ID = Games onClick = buttonState (> gt; & lt; / div & gt; Var myOptions = {content: boxContent, disableAutoPan: false, pixel offset: new google.maps.size (-400, -173), close box margin: "-12px-12px 0px 0px", closeBoxURL: "close.png", Info Box Clearance: New Google.maps.Size (1, 1), Panel: "FloatPain", Enable EventPropagation: false}; Var ib = New InfoBox (My Option); Google.maps.event.addListener (Marker, 'click', function (e) {map.setZoom (13); map.setCenter (this.getPosition ()); (map, this, display phone (image path); }} Function display (imagepath) {$ ('# display'). Css ('background-image', 'url (' + imagepath + '1.png)');} < / Div> takes only 2 parameters - a map and an anchor. I have got property separately. I think that by holding the context of the boxContent DOM element you will have a life Box content [0], disabledOptain: incorrect, pixoff offset: new google.maps.size (-400, -173), close box margin: "-12px-12px 0px 0px", closeBoxURL: "http: //www.carltonhotelblanchardstown .com / files / images / a / calendar-popup-close.png ", info box clearance: new google.maps.size (1, 1), pane:" floatpan ", enabled eventPropagation: false};

Java multidimensional array initializers -

Here, I am trying to start an array of objects in Java, but I did not know that one The nested array of objects I tried to create an array of objects with the first element as a string and create an array of strings as the second element.

The error message I received is:

  Main Java: 8: Error: invalid starter for object   

and this error Generating code was:

  import java.util. *; Import java.lang *; Class main {public static zero main (string [] args) java.lang.Exception {Object] [] Multi-functional object throws = {"Hi!", {5, 5}}; }}    

For some reason, even if you have new in front of the main array Object [] , it appears that you need one for the internal array:

  object [] multidimensional objectArere = {"Hi!", New object [] ( 5, 5}};    

ios - NSPredicate with SUBQUERY does not work -

I have to sort my fetch request with the people I choose, but it does not return anything < P> I tried this code with comparison of Coredata objects

  NSPredicate * peoplePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "SUBQUERY (Class People, $ P, $ P IN% @). @ Count ==% d ", self Selected people, [self Counting selected people]];   

and compare it with NSNumber ID

  NSPredicate * peoplePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "SUBQUERY (Class People, $ p, $ p.iD IN% @). @ Calculation ==% D ", self Selected local, [self. Selected mathematics]];   

I have an entity class, which are people of relation and I have a control controller where I can select some people in the list, after people's selection people add to it . People are selectors, so I need to get all the objects of a class unit, who have chosen people

thanks in advance

So, your Wiki should look like this:

  NSPredicate * PeoplePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @" People of any category% @ ", themselves Selected people];    

javascript - Can executeSql take named parameters? -

When executableSQL takes several parameters, then we use question marks:

  Db transaction (work (tx) {var added = new date (); tx.xqux sql ("added to todo, added) value (?,?)", [Tudo text, added on], html5rocks.webdb .onSuccess, html5rocks, Webdb.onError);});   

Can executeSQL take a nominal parameter?

from that:

On November 18, 2010, W3 C announced that the Web SQL Database is an exclusion specification. This is not recommended for web developers to use the technology because there will not be any new updates about this effectively and browser vendors will not be encouraged to support this technology.

See also the bigger warning

but to answer your question: As far as I know: No. You can write a 'cover', though you can replace your own placeholders in place of real values, but I think that will not bother with this.

One more shot in the dark : foo AAAIIK most browsers (as a placeholder) SQLite for its webdatabase implementation and, from the top of my head , SQLite : parametername -form several variations [[[foo ':' bar '], {' baz ':' bat '}]

Edit > I have tried several permutations on this:

  var p = { }; P.aa = todoText; PB = Added; Tx.executeSql ("Include in Toggle (Adjustment, Added) Value (: AA,: BB)", P, ...});   


  tx.executeSql ("(, AA, BB)" ("ADA, BDB)", "{AA": TodoText, "Bb": added on}, ...});   


  tx.executeSQL ("Include in both (added, added) value (@aa, @bb)", { "Aa": TodoText, "bb": added on}, ...});   


  tx.executeSql ("Add to Todo (added, added) value (? Aa, bb)", { "AA": TodoText, "bb": added on}, ...});   

... and many more in Chrome 25; None of these point to the nominal parameter. I can map all the one n th position value to work for n th parameter (or index if you wish) for the parameter.

I am not saying that there is absolutely no way, maybe I could not find the right way to find him or I think that you are out of luck and, then, even Should take me or some other person to work for it, I do not believe in it (because:, as well as deprecated anyway) and maybe it fails in many (most?) Others Browsers will go Honestly: Trying to do this work is a waste of your time.

string - Python Pexpect: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'int' and 'dict' -

When I try to run the following peptest command, I get an error: t ypeError: unsupported operation type ( S): For 'int' and 'dict' I really do not understand why I got this error when I print a string, then I am outputting the results which I hope.

My code:

  p.sendline ("Sudo date -s \"% (easterndate) s \ "")% Local ( )   

Print test of the same string:

  print "string output:" + sudo date -s \ "% (EasterDate) s \ ""% Local () Output: Sudo Date -S "Tuesday March 26 14:25:51 ADT 2013"    

It should be:

  p.sendline (" Sudo date -s \ "% (easterdate) s \" "% local ())   

Otherwise, % is applied to the result of Sendline .

How to implement a particular division operator in Prolog? -

डिवीजन ऑपरेटर को इस तरह लागू करें कि: A 12 div 6 div 2 परिणाम है: ए = 4

इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि मुझे एक infix ऑपरेटर इस प्रकार से संबंधित बनाना होगा: yfx क्योंकि यह ऑपरेटर को पहले 6 डिवी 2 की गणना करने के लिए और फिर 12 डिव परिणाम (6 डिवि 2) की गणना करता है

मुझे उम्मीद है कि मेरी व्याख्या में स्पष्ट होना चाहिए ... मुझे पता है कि मैंने एक प्रक्रियागत तरीके से अवधारणा को समझाया है, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता था कि तर्क के आधार पर परिचालन की प्राथमिकता कैसे व्यक्त की जाएगी ...

ठीक है, इसलिए मुझे लगता है (मुझे उम्मीद है) कि yfx ऑपरेटर सही है ...

समस्या यह है कि अब मुझे नहीं पता कि इस ऑपरेटर का वर्णन कैसे किया जाए।

पिछले अभ्यास में मैंने ऑपरेटर को इस तरह परिभाषित किया है:

  op (600, xfx, है)। / * Perter के पास सूचना है / / है (पीटर, सूचना)   

जैसा कि मैंने इवान ब्रैटको पुस्तक में पढ़ा है:

ऑपरेटर परिभाषाएं किसी भी ऑपरेशन या क्रिया को निर्दिष्ट नहीं करतीं सिद्धांत में, कोई ऑपरेशन या डेटा ऑपरेटर से जुड़ा नहीं है।

इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि मैं एक ऑपरेटर को परिभाषित नहीं कर सकता जो गणना करता है।

इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि मेरे अभ्यास का समाधान कुछ ऐसा हो सकता है:

  op (600, yfx, div)। डिवि (एक्स डिवि वाई, प्रभाग): - डिवीजन एक्स / वाई है   

लेकिन अच्छी तरह से काम नहीं करते हैं और इसके अलावा मुझे लगता है कि यह ऐसा नहीं है कि वे मुझे लागू करने के लिए कह रहे हैं।

div पूर्ववर्ती ऑपरेटर प्रतीत होता है, जो पहले से पूर्णांक विभाजन कर रहा है, फिर इसके सहयोगीता को बदलने के लिए पर्याप्त है।

यहां यह डिफ़ॉल्ट है:

 ? - वर्तमान_ोप (पी, ए, डिव)। पी = 400, ए = yfx   


 ? - ए है 12 div 6 div 2 a = 1.   

आप के रूप में परिवर्तन जैसे:

 ? - [उपयोगकर्ता] |:: -op (400, एक्सफ़ी, डिव) |:% उपयोगकर्ता: // 1 संकलित 0,04 सेकंड, 1 खंड सच है   

और आपको मिल जाएगा

 ? - ए है 12 div 6 div 2. a = 4.   

सावधान रहें कि पूर्वनिर्धारित ऑपरेटरों को बदलना यह खराब अभ्यास है लेकिन मुझे कहना चाहिए कि मुझे पता नहीं है कि ऑपरेटरों को / 2 के मूल्यांकन में जोड़ने का कोई मानक तरीका है ....

संपादित करें SWI-Prolog अंकगणितीय जोड़ने के लिए: आप

  प्राप्त करें - एक्स 12 है mydiv 6 mydiv 2. एक्स = 4.   

के बाद

 : - सेशन (400, xfy, mydiv)। : - एरिथमेटिक_फंक्शन (माइडिव / 2) मैडिव (ए, बी, सी): - सी एक बी बी है।    

c# - Multiplication or if: what is more efficient? -

I have a binary image of the hand (size: 100x100), we can represent it as a matrix which is only 0 Or 1 value is an example:

example of a human hand binary image < / P>

assuming that I have the line double represent the linear image, and that we call it the image , I need to do the following :

  Double Conservator = 0; For (int j = 0; j and lt; image; height; ++ j) {accumulator + = image [j] * weight [j]; }   

In other words, I need to calculate the weighted sum of each pixel of the array, the image I weight to an array Indicates that there are double values, and it is used to load each pixel of the image.

Is the following code more efficient than the last one?

  Double Container = 0; (Int j = 0; j & lt; image.Length; ++ j) {if (image [j]! = 0) {creditor = = image [j] * weight [j]; }}    

The answer is - you do not really have to worry about it at this juncture. If your code is slow also is running, you can experiment with some customization, however, "very slow" is subjective.

Premature Optimization is the root cause of all evils .

Is easily readable, and can be easily maintained. - Datagrid row not being read code -

I have the following code ...

  SAFE sub GridView1_RowUpdating (ByVal as this object , ByVal e as EventArgs) handles integer as GridView1.RowUpdating dim SocioNumInfo = CInt (GridView1.Rows (GridView1.SelectedIndex) .Cells (4) .text) MsgBox (SocioNumInfo.ToString) ... End Sub  

The index was out of range was less than the non-negotiable and the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

MsgBox just end up being read data that there should me to check in the day that it is a parameter so I can add DB. ..but still .. nothing. Is this the right code to read directly from a cell in a row? In the "protected sub" area, I tried the pre-selected Ink Exchanges and Row editing ... and still nothing. Still throws an error on me

If I try as dim SocioNumInfo string = CSTR (GridView1.Rows (GridView1.SelectedRow) .Cells (4) .text) This gives me an "integer Can not be changed "Error

If there is no row selected GridView1 selected index to -1 . You may have to add a check

  if gridview1 Selected index & lt; & Gt; -1 then use 'GridView1.SelectedIndex ending here then   

However, it is easy to access the selected row like this:

  Slow Line = GridView1 SelectedRow row is not IsNumeric nothing andalso (row.Cells (2) .text) then dim SocioNumInfo Integer = CInt (row.Cells (2) as .text) .... Finally, if   

Note that the cell index is zero-based. row.Cells (4) is in the 5th column.

javascript - Coding issue with drawing a line -

I want to draw a horizontal line between a photo horizontal and text section as a break.

This is my website:

Here is JSfield where it is working:

  & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var c = document.getElementById ("myCanvas"); Var ctx = c.getContext ("2D"); Ctx.moveTo (0,0); Ctx.lineTo (980,0); Ctx.stroke (); & Lt; / Script & gt;   

I have put it in the head here's my HTML:


Is there an extra space between the elements because it is clearly doing something?

Thank you!

var c = document GetElementById ("myCanvas"); is undefined object back.

Screen shot :

image here Enter details

This code should be used on line and lt; Place anywhere after canvas id = "myCanvas" width = "980" height = "100" style = "border: 0px solid #d3d3d3;" & Gt; & Lt; / Canvas & gt; & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var c = document.getElementById ("myCanvas"); Var ctx = c.getContext ("2D"); Ctx.moveTo (0,0); Ctx.lineTo (980,0); Ctx.stroke (); & Lt; / Script & gt;

sdk - Lua number currency format -

In Lua, how can I format a number for 2 decimal places? I have a value example: 25.333 and I want to display it instead of 25.33. Sometimes it's like an integer 55 and I want it to display 55.00. It is meant to display currency values ​​I have tried the example formatting functions, and no one advised what advice I do not have. Jerry

Basically, you want something like this:

  rdahlgren @ deimos: pts / 1: 5 files 48Kb $ lua lua 5.2.0 Copyright (c) 1994-2011, PUC- Rio & gt; X = 25 & gt; Y = 25.3333 & gt; Print (string format ("% .2f", x)) 25.00 & gt; Print (string format ("% .2f", y)) 25.33 & gt;    

difference between Kernel#eval and Binding#eval in Ruby -

क्यों बाइंडिंग # eval ब्लॉक को कॉल करता है, लेकिन कर्नेल # eval नहीं है? <पूर्व> def बार; बाध्यकारी; अंत बी = बार {| x | पी (एक्स + 1)} द्विवार्षिक "उपज 2" # == & gt; 3 eval "yield 2", बंधन # == & gt; मुझे लगता है कि पांचवें लाइन पर दूसरा तर्क 'द्वि' होना चाहिए:

<पूर्व> $ ruby ​​-v ruby ​​2.0.0p0 (2013-02-24 संशोधन 39474) [x86_64-linux] 1 def बार; बाध्यकारी; अंत 2 बाई = बार {| x | पी (एक्स + 1)} 3 4 द्विवार्षिक "उपज 2" # == & gt; 3 5 eval "yield 2", द्वि # == & gt; 3

java - Best practice curiosity regarding String instantiation -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P>

  • 13 उत्तर

    मैं कुछ सलाह पढ़ रहा था जावा में सर्वोत्तम प्रथाओं और मुझे निम्न विचार मिला जो मुझे उत्सुक बना

    इसके अलावा जब भी आप स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट को इन्स्तांत करना चाहते हैं, कभी भी इसके कन्स्ट्रक्टर का प्रयोग न करें, लेकिन इसे सीधे सीधे इन्स्तायट करें

    उदाहरण के लिए:

      // धीमी गति से स्ट्रिंग धीमी = नई स्ट्रिंग ("फिर से एक और स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट"); // तेज त्वरित स्ट्रिंग तेज = "फिर से एक और स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट";   

    ऐसा क्यों है? क्या 'तेज' डिफ़ॉल्ट स्ट्रिंग कन्स्ट्रक्टर को कॉल नहीं करता?

    जब आप new < / Code> आपको एक नया स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट मिलता है, लेकिन यदि आप स्ट्रिंग शब्दशः का उपयोग करते हैं:

    कंप्यूटर विज्ञान में, स्ट्रिंग इंटर्निंग एक है प्रत्येक विशिष्ट स्ट्रिंग मान की केवल एक कॉपी को संचय करने की विधि, जो अपरिवर्तनीय होना चाहिए। आंतरिक स्ट्रिंग कुछ स्ट्रिंग प्रसंस्करण कार्यों को अधिक समय-या अंतरिक्ष-कुशल बनाता है और अधिक समय की आवश्यकता होती है जब स्ट्रिंग बनाई जाती है या इंटर्नल की आवश्यकता होती है। विशिष्ट मूल्यों को एक स्ट्रिंग इंटर्न पूल में संग्रहित किया जाता है प्रत्येक स्ट्रिंग की एक प्रति को अपने 'इंटर्न' कहा जाता है और आमतौर पर स्ट्रिंग क्लास की एक विधि द्वारा देखा जाता है, उदाहरण के लिए जावा में स्ट्रिंगइंडरीन ()।

    अगर आप ऐसा करते हैं:

      स्ट्रिंग a = "foo"; जावा में सभी संकलन-टाइम निरंतर स्ट्रिंग्स स्वचालित रूप से इस पद्धति का उपयोग करके बंद कर देती हैं। स्ट्रिंग बी = "एफू";   

    फिर ए == बी है सत्य !

    एक स्ट्रिंग बनाई होगी, यदि वह इंटर्न नहीं है। एक ऑब्जेक्ट पहली बार बनाया जाएगा, और इसे String constant pool नामक एक जगह में संग्रहीत किया जाएगा।

    लेकिन new का उपयोग करके जो प्रत्येक स्ट्रिंग के लिए एक अलग ऑब्जेक्ट पैदा करेगा, false आउटपुट होगा।

      स्ट्रिंग a = new string ("foo"); स्ट्रिंग बी = नया स्ट्रिंग ("फू");   

    अब a == b है झूठा

    तो जब शाब्दिक उपयोग करते हैं, तो इसे पढ़ने में आसान होता है, और अनुकूलक बनाने के लिए कंपाइलर के लिए आसान। इसलिए .. इसका उपयोग जब आप कर सकते हैं

google maps - Convert Coordinates using PHP -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P>

  • 2 जवाब

    मैंने एस 23 की तरह समन्वय किया है ° 25 '33.8', डब्ल्यू 47 डिग्री 35 '58.4 "और मैं -23.426056, -47.599556 में परिवर्तित करना चाहता हूं।

    क्षमा करें, सही सवाल यह है:

    जब मैं एस 23 डिग्री रखता हूं 34 '55.9 ", डब्ल्यू 47 डिग्री 31' 14.2" गूगल मैप्स में वह स्वचालित रूप से एक हरे रंग की मार्कर इंगित करता है जहाँ मैं चाहता हूँ, लेकिन अगर मैं उदाहरण मेंâ में समान निर्देशांक डालूँ? ? |, यह केवल एक सड़क पर एक मार्कर को इंगित करता है, मैं अपने आवेदन में Google मानचित्रों में हरे मार्कर सिम्बलरी कैसे डाल सकता हूं

    सरल गणित के साथ करो:

    • आर्ससेकंड 1 डिग्री से कम 3,600 डिग्री
    • arcminute एक डिग्री का 60 डिग्री है
    • एस, ई नकारात्मक, एन, डब्ल्यू पॉजिटिव

      उदाहरण: एस 23 डिग्री 25 '33.8: -1 * 23 + 25/60 + 33.8 / 3600 = -23,426055555555555555555555555556 °

postgresql - Can I use the window function "OVER" in doctrine 2? -

  चुनें चालान। आईडी, COUNT (, SUM (projected_minutes) ओवर ( by ) AS projected_minutes इनवॉइस INNER से जुड़ें कार्य पर task.invoice_id = इनवॉइस। डीआईडी ​​पर छोड़ दें स्लिप पर टाइप करें। Task_id =   

उपरोक्त प्रश्न postgresql में है, और मैं कन्वर्ट करना चाहता हूं यह DQL के लिए है, लेकिन मैं DQL में विंडो फ़ंक्शंस के लिए कोई दस्तावेज नहीं खोज सकता, क्या यह सिद्धांत में समर्थित है या क्या मुझे इसके लिए एक कस्टम dql फ़ंक्शन बनाना होगा?

सिद्धांत में इस विक्रेता विशिष्ट कार्य के लिए कोई समर्थन नहीं है। या तो कोई कस्टम DQL फ़ंक्शन बना या मूल एसक्यूएल का उपयोग करें।

facebook graph api - Access data from APIs like Hootsuite etc does (without user login) -

I have recently been working with the API, mostly Facebook API and now Instagram and Twitter API. But the common thing about them is how they work, thus the user must log in to their service at computer / web browser at the same time. For example, if I create a page where you can read your Facebook feed, the user will have to sign up on Facebook and authorize the app to create an account on my page. Next time, if he was using the same computer / web browser and did not sign out from Facebook, then this would not be a problem. But if he is using another computer or signed out, then he will be presented with a Facebook login.

I did not store any data in any of my databases, everything was directly used by Facebook

But the services like this do not work like this once upon a hootsut I can sign up, select a Facebook, sign in, and authorize the app, and then access my feet from any computer in the world, in which only one entry is in HootSuite How do Do they have a special agreement with Facebook, or can I learn and use myself (a service / something that is available to every Facebook app developer)?

And what exactly do they store a database? Is that my Facebook username / password, or a string of data that they have sent to Facebook for confirmation (I have not canceled any permissions) have seen it without?

Hope that some of you know this, it is very interesting.

Hi, I am currently developing for hootsuite and see if anyone I am still not answering the query, I try to give you some insights.

Hootsuite has internally used Developer API provided by LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. There is a documented approach to using these APIs generally, it involves creating an application (here, a hootsuit app) on these social networks. This app has its own identity on these networks when you create an account at hootsuite , Then he asks you to add your social network accounts.

When you click on a social network name, an entry request is sent to the chosen social network by the hootsuite app. Destination Social Network first validates your app id (in this case, hootsuite), then it authenticates user credentials (username and password) and then presents you with an authorization screen that you Wants to access the data from the Hootsuite app.

This information is now an object compliant with an oauthaccess token with an authorization parameter, which is sent back to the hootsuite website, this is the lifetime of the token (such as the Linkin Access Token Lifecycle is 60 days), whose This means that it is valid for 60 days.

Hootsight your (Twitter, Facebook, etc. network) user name or password stores this othe token values ​​and whenever you use hootsuite, an oyot token can be used on your social network account plus hacksite account. Unique, which works like a superpass to read your data.

It is my likeness to hope that it helps.

java - How to connect between key and value in a hash table? -

I am learning about the hash tables from "Data Structure and Algorithms in Java" and is a concept that I do not understand Found. For example, I want to create a phone book. I need a hashteble which keeps a person's name as a key and spit your phone back. I understand how to make a hash function to create a numerical index by the name of the person. But when I put a person's name in the hash table from my numerical index, how do I get his phone? How can I connect between these keys and values?

EDIT: I am trying to apply my heash table and I am not using the Java API

You should store a key-value pair in the hash table, not only the key setter method accept the key / value pair, wrap them in the key / value pair frequency and store in the bucket We do. Based on the access method key, calculate the bucket indicator and move through the pairs in search of one with the exact key. Class map can be. Admission can give you some ideas.

html - How to get rid of the Scrollbar on this page and keep it at FULL Width? -

I'm trying to get rid of the scrollbar on this page:

Horizontal scrollbar looks like every It is not a matter of time that the content is so comprehensive what is wrong here? Set the width to 100%, why do I see a scrollbar at the bottom of the page?

Please help ... Thanks guys / Gals :)

Remove from .footer and enter your

gt; including "sponsor opportunities"

maven - PMD exclude not working -

I am trying to eliminate our CI and I did not know that the PMD reports violated the generated code How to save (not Src-gen:

) mvn help: effect-pom was used to verify my configuration, and POM looks like I want I think this indicates the correct folder.

  & lt; plugins & gt; & lt; group & gt; org.apache.maven Plugins & lt; / group & gt; & lt; ar TifactId & gt; Maven-PMD-plugin & lt; / artifactId> & lt; version & gt; $ {PMD-Maven-plugin.version} & lt; / version & gt; & lt; configuration & gt; LT; linkXref & gt; False & lt; / linkXref & gt; & lt; sourceEncoding & gt; $ {} & lt; / sourceEncoding & gt; & lt; minimumTokens & gt; $ {pmd.minimum .tokens} & lt; / minTokens & gt; & lt; targetJdk & gt; $ {} & lt; / targetJdk & gt; & lt; exclude & gt; & lt; To exit & gt; ** / * & lt; / Exclude & gt; & Lt; To exit & gt; ** / * & lt; / Exclude & gt; & Lt; ExcludeRoots & gt; & Lt; ExcludeRoot & gt; $ {Basedir} / src generation & lt; / ExcludeRoot & gt; & Lt; / ExcludeRoots & gt; & Lt; / Not included & gt; By looking at this example (end of page),    

Lt; ExcludeRoots & gt; under section Configuration & gt; , & lt; Excluded & gt; Must be under .

If it does not help, instead of & lt; Cancel Cancel & gt; ** / src-gen / ** & lt; / ExcludeRoot & gt; Try .

amazon s3 - Starting a file storage/Backup service -

I want to start my own file storage / backup service such as dropboxes, SkyDrive, box etc. I have 60000 customers, I want to give every customer 1GB of free space (life time). This means that I need 60 TB storage. From time to time I will increase the space for more users. I want my file backup service to be cloud based, redundant, can you please tell me how many server & amp; How is this powerful server necessary? Also, what equipment, stuff is necessary to make a powerful service? From where can I buy them with the best price? please tell me. In addition, if you have other information about file backup / storage service, please be helpful for me. I'm also hesitant to ask :)

Apart from this: Is it possible to start my service with the Amazon Glacier plan? Does this (glacier) support redundancy? What is the cost of 60 TB with redundancy? I'm not sure about the bandwidth (ignorant about it) or, please tell me how much will cost per month or year for 20TB or 60TB with bandwidth cost to start my service. I am not sure about total pricing with storage, request, data transfer.

If you are trying to host your own service, you can use SuperMicro, Dell or www. You can get a strong, high-density server online from You can install object storage software (eg Cloud Community Edition) on these servers to create an unnecessary object storage system. Finally, you need an application such as Cloudberry to refer to the file storage / backup service.

javascript - Replace the text of span element -

I want to change the square icon (text in the span element to a HTML file with an arrow: ■): ►. This occurs when this icon matches the page ID in front of the menu icon, so that the visitor knows that it is on the page indicated by this menu item.

I am passing through many issues but stuck with this one

  var newIcon = "& 9658;"; // arrow icon (var j = 0; j & lt; rightMenuIDs.length; j ++) {var isid = right manual [j]; Var This is SpanIcon = rightMenu [j] Children [0]. Children [0]. ChildNode [0] .nodeValue; If (thisID === bodyIDsliced) {This span icon = newIcon; }}   

I got the console Checked with the log, it indicates that the span icon has been updated as an arrow icon. But nothing has changed on the page.

Is there a better / correct way to do this?

Thank you!

When you say:

  ThisSpanIcon = newIcon;   

You are simply overwriting the local variable thisSpanIcon in which the copy current nodeValue The property, property (and after that node) does not change.


  var This is SpanNode = rightMenu [j]. Children [0]. Children [0] .childNodes [0]; If (thisID === bodyIDsliced) {thisSpanNode.nodeValue = newIcon; }   

Instead, the actual property of the node should be changed.

Also keep in mind that you should use the Unicode format rather than an HTML unit, i.e. \ U25ba .

c# - Store each value of a 'foreach' loop into a string array -

विचार करें:

  स्ट्रिंग [] संग्रह = नया स्ट्रिंग [3] {"नमस्ते" , "हैलो", "परीक्षण"}; स्ट्रिंग [] तत्व = नया स्ट्रिंग [3]; इंट इंडेक्स = 0; विदेशी मुद्रा (संग्रह में स्ट्रिंग एनोोड) {string [index ++] = anode; }    


  सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; तत्व = नई सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); अग्रगण (कुछ संयोजन में एक्सएमएलएनोड एनोड) {elements.Add ("string"); }    

javascript - KO Computed not updating UI -

I'm still quite new in knockout and I'm trying to display and hide the Bootstrap tab using Knockout .

Basically I have a calculable value:

  self.isActive = ko.computed (function () {var selected = ko.utils.arrayFirst (self. PadParticipant (), function (item) {return item.partition status == 'active';}); returns selected! == empty; truth: wrong;});   

To update these tabs:

  & lt; Ul class = "nav nav-tabs" id = "padTabs" & gt; & Lt; Li data-band = "fevable:! Active ()" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#Join Pin" & gt; Join the Pad & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "active" & gt; & Lt; A href = "# History" & gt; History & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li data-band = "fevable: iactive ()" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#Update" & gt; Update subscription & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt;   

The calculation is working correctly in the correct way that when I refresh the page the exact tab is hidden, but I need to work without getting refreshed.

What to do with understanding this issue when you use the observations calculated apart from this In the knockout framework, for the exploration array rules, first we see a note about the observation arrays:

Key point: An observation-array track, which is in the array of objects The state of those objects

Just put an object in an object and perform an overview Who sees himself the properties of that object. Of course, if you want, you can see these properties, but this is an independent option, an objective array only tracks the object that holds the object, and when the objects are added or removed, the listeners Indicates.

This is the same warning error that you are doing in this line of code, because it is not an overview, but an array of an object in the array: Return items Participation Status == 'Active';

In addition to this, we need to understand how calculable operation:

  • Whenever you declare a calculative calculation, Invites its evaluator ceremony to get its initial value.

  • When your evaluator is working, KO any overview (or overview of the calculation) < / Strong>

  • The evaluator has ended, KO sets a subscription for each supervision (or calculated observation) that you have touched < / Strong> Membership callback is set to replay your evaluator, looking back on the whole process at step 1 (any older Does not settle membership which is no longer applicable).

  • Informs someone about the new value of your computed observation.

    So when you created your calculable view, the only subscription created to look for a change was the viewable array self PadParticipant () .

    Since the state's UI relies on changing the Participation status , it means that this property should be an observation element within each object in the array, otherwise when this state If there is a change, then there will be no way for calculation to know about that change and update the UI.

  • Pointer and Array in C -

    I'm new to C and programming. I was stuck in homework practice. My output only shows the first letter in upper case, and shows the following characters in some weird numbers. Can someone take a look at my code and give me some wrong suggestions and some suggestions on ways to fix this issue? Your help is greatly appreciated! "Sticky capsâ" () to modify the word "sticky" or "random" to a sticky type (four * words) where the word is a word, such as "sticky" or "random."

    , That is, the letters should be in alternative matters (upper and lower), which will start with the upper case of the first letter. For example, a pseudo sticks, and "pseudo" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' String, which "??? \ \ ". You can assume that the legal string is provided on the pasting function."

      #include & lt; Stdio h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Converts CH to the upper case, it is assuming that it is currently in the following case / four from uppercase (four f) {return CH- 'A' + 'A'; } / * CH converts in short case, assuming that it is currently in the upper case * / char to lower case (four f) {return ch-'A '+' a '; } For sticky caps * / for (int i = 0; i   


      int main () {/ * scanf * / char; Four * input; Input = word; Printf ("Please enter the word: \ n"); Scanf ("% s", input); / * Sticky call * / sticky (input); / * Print new words * / printf ("% s", input); For (int i = 0; i & lt; sizf (input); i ++) {if (input [i] == '\ n') {input [i] = '\ 0'; break; }} Return 0;   


    you do not have strlen sizeof to find a four * string length

    apache - How can I use mod_rewrite to redirect to a https connection? -

    I always try to redirect people to

      https: //www.somedomain I am doing Com / URL   

    This is because they come to a non-secure port because my SSL is for this URL.

    Whenever someone goes to, he is sent to


    Trying to rewrite htaccess:

      RewriteCond% {HTTPS} at RewriteRule (. *) Https: //www.% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI}  RewriteEngine >  


    I am using a cPanel server, so that additional hosts are not working.

    You do not want to add www without unconditional, if it already exists. See:

    PHP Based Forum Software -

    I'm thinking that PHP based platform software stack * overflow * community likes / usages Does most Just because people can make their own decisions, when you can answer why you can not leave a reason?

    Thanks to all those people who answer.

    Never tried it for yourself, but maybe you < / Html>

    javascript - document.querySelector is undefined for standards mode iframe running in quirks mode parent -

    Experience this while running IE10 with a bookmarklet. When I run books against a page that runs on the page and I try to use the document. Selector, document. Query selector is undefined.

    In trying to get around this, when I find out that document.documentMode 5 (Quirks mode), I am creating an IFrame and Criterion mode to copy the contents of the page into that iframe Put in I verify that the document in iFrame is in standard mode (document.documentMode 8- IE8 standard mode) but the document.query selector is still undefined. I believe the query mode should be at least 9 for the query selector. I can not understand why the document is 8 instead of Mad 10, because I'm running on IE 10.

      If (goog.userAgent.IE & amp; Document Document Modes & lt; = 5) {// Expose any script of the body s = document.body.innerHTML. Replace (/ & lt; script \ b [^ & lt;] * (?: (?! & Lt; \ / script & gt;) & lt; [^ & lt;] *) * & lt; / script & Gt; / gi, ''); Frame = (goog.dom.getDomHelper ()); Frame.scrolling = "No"; Frame.allowTransparency = True; = 'hidden'; Document.body.appendChild (frame); Goog.dom.iframe.writeContent (frame, '& lt ;; doctype html & gt; \ n & lt; html & gt; & gt; head & gt; & lt; meta http-equiv = "X-UA-compatible "Content =" IE = Edge "> / head> gt; body & gt; '+ s +'  ;); Doc = goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument (frame); Warning (doc.documentMode); // 8 - IE8 Standard Mode Warning (doc.querySelectorAll); // null}    

    I just check the documentMode instead (if ( Document.querySelector)) To help me debug this problem, forward

    CakePHP Email Component check if email was sent -

    I'm thinking how you can verify that email has been sent or while using e-mail content in kppp Has this been unsuccessful?

    For example, I am currently using it this way:

      $ this-> Email-> From = '& lt;> '; $ This- & gt; Email-> = 'To & lt;> '; $ This- & gt; Email-> SendAs = 'Both'; $ This- & gt; Email-> Delivery = 'debug'; $ This- & gt; Email-> Send ();    

    $ this-> Email-> Send () should if it was sent successfully, it will be true. You can try doing something like this:

      If ($ this-> Send email-> ()) {// Success} and {// Failure}   


    Note: If you are using KPPP 2.x, you try to use the Kakemail class instead can do; EmailComponent is deprecated () If you are using 1.x, then proceed. : P


    As mentioned in the comments, if you are using 2.x You should keep in mind that cake email (which is used by email companion) can throw an exception. You can handle it or throw it in an attempt / grip:

      try {if (> $-> Email- & gt; Send ()) {// Success } Else {// failure, without exception}} (exception $ E) {// failure, with exception}    

    ios - NSFetchedController and sections -

    I have a parent unit

    I want to classify an NSFetchedResultsController with the entity (stream) 0 male will, section 1 will be women).

    Can I classify them by class ( man class versus female category ) or I need to add a feature telling this Is that its male or female and section that? will return the entity name as one NSString . So you can use it. I do not think the internal details (name of an entity) is a good idea to run the UI. This is easy to declare a feature for the section, and then you have full control over the name (including localization).

    actionscript 3 - Is there a way to export PSDs using AS3 -

    Preparation / Preparation for Criteria

    This is a common question I apologize because I am not a "noob" and I know that this is not exactly fit in the format, if you can recommend a better place for this query, then I am all ears if you choose to vote or stop If so, please suggest a choice.


    Is anyone aware of any project that already generates a PSD file from SS3?

    Background (You can not care about all the things below here that you want to answer only one question, but if I'm interested I can use the hand )

    I 've got it

    Current plan (and overall goal)

    / P>

    I also found a file format.

    At this point, my plan is just to start from the top and works my way as the creation of each part of the file (and the Assistant Price Objects), as I go along. Because this will be a very time-consuming process, so I am wondering if there is any other previous work that I can stop.

    Eventually my goal is to integrate this code into a mobile drawing project. Working for some time because it is a mobile project, so I have to deal with the possibility that OS to recover the memory of my app In that situation, I need to be able to save / load the current state of the app (currently there are layers of bitmapdata similar to Photoshop, plus PSD f It would be nice to open the files and to be able to open the photo in Photoshop from the photo.)

    Version and code to stay in the code

    Can be downloaded (Free will be free, no advertising, app is lovingly funded and everyone wishes to use / desire to do something good):

    is still working on an iOS release (process can go from the other two stores) The Ada is attached)

    code can be found (Flash Bildersprojekt / Fingrpating folder Flash Builder project file).


    The code contained in that repository must be copied back to the site of each authors to retrieve all MIT or Apache licenses To do the original license right now, just in case) I am not an advocate, but I believe that I have fully received everything in this project and in some cases it is only bound to include the licenses and make available my extension of source code. (Fonts have come from Google web fonts and Robobo has been downloaded directly from Google) Any code in com. Modi has written and you can assume that is for now. If someone wants to tell me more legally lover that I am breaking the law, and how, I appreciate it.

    The part used by the other parts included in this include

    1. MIT License
    2. License included in the source using the Adobe Permit.
    3. I do not have a license for it (she was not included in it) The author is a Chinese, as I have some difficulty getting to know about her, but she believes that I can get her code I'm safe to use.

      Some pieces of code are in the repository but it is not currently used

      Update after trying for a while I ended up after deciding to finish it because it is that the GET parser / encoder is easy to open and far, and works fine with gyams and works (open source editors).

      I'm not sure about the intended use, but if you are compiling the file in Flash , Then you may be able to use JSFL to export a PSD fla then put JSFL functionality on a single button in a SWF that you load as a panel in the IDE. JSFL is very powerful, although it only works on IDE / locally.

    python - How to include package sub-folders in my project distribution? -

    मेरे पास इस संरचना के साथ एक प्रोजेक्ट है:

      SomeProject / bin / CHANGES.txt डॉक्स / LICENSE.txt README.txt कुछ प्रोजेक्ट / स्थान / static / javascript / somescript.js   

    और एक "" के रूप में Os.path आयात से कुछ प्रोजेक्ट आयात करने की कोशिश होती है: setuptools आयात सेटअप से, import_rack को छोड़कर find_packages: distutils.core आयात सेटअप, find_packages सेटअप से ( Name = 'django-some-project', version = someproject .__ संस्करण__, रखरखाव = 'कुछ रखरखाव', maintainer_email=' ', संकुल = find_packages (), include_package_data = true, scripts = [], url = 'Https://', लाइसेंस = 'लाइसेंस', विवरण = 'कुछ प्रोजेक्ट विवरण।', लंबे_निर्देशन = खुला ('README.markdown')। Read () अगर मौजूद है ("README .markdown ") अन्य" ", install_requires = [" Django> = 1.4.0 "],)

    तब, जब मैं कॉम यह ठीक लगता है, लेकिन पैकेज में इस "जावास्क्रिप्ट" सबफ़ोल्डर के साथ कोई "स्थिर" फ़ोल्डर नहीं है।

    । मेरा "" पर समान प्रेरणा मिली है जिनके समान संरचना है। इस सब-फ़ोल्डर्स को अपलोड करने में क्या गलत है, इस पर कोई भी संकेत है?

    आपको उन फ़ाइलों को स्रोत में जोड़ने में सक्षम होना चाहिए एक पंक्ति को जोड़ने के लिए फ़ाइल को संपादित करके वितरण:

      रिकर्सिव-शामिल करें- कुछ प्रोजेक्ट / स्थिर * .js   

    या सिर्फ:

      कुछ प्रोजेक्ट / स्टैटिक / जावास्क्रिप्ट / *। जेएस   

    इन स्रोत फ़ाइलों में शामिल फ़ाइलों को प्राप्त करने के लिए पर्याप्त होगा। यदि setuptools include_package_data विकल्प आप उपयोग कर रहे हैं तो फाइलों को स्थापित करने के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं है, तो आप उन्हें अपने :

      package_data = {'someproject': ['स्थैतिक / जावास्क्रिप्ट / *। जेएस']},    

    ruby on rails - Check two models during login with devise -

    We are using Davis for authentication in railway app. We have two models- users and professionals. We have many professionals who are trying to enter in the form of accidental users, and would like to check to see if the registered user matches a professional if it fails for the user.

    For example, to log in as a user, we want to display a flash message like this:

    "We can not find username / password for this account. However, we got a business account, a professional. "

    Any ideas on how to do this with Devise?

    I did something similar with the functionality of the forgotten password. It can help you.

    Edit : Added business check.

      Df reset @idiot = User.where (: email = & gt; parameter [: email]). Until first @ idiot.nil? Notifier. Send_reset_notice (@idiot). Deliver redirect_to new_user_session_url, notice: "#{}" will be emailed a new password. " Else @professional = Professional.where (: Email = & gt; Parameter [: Email]). Until first @ professional.nil? Redirect_to new_professional_session_url, notice: "That email address is assigned to the professional. Sign in below." Else redirect_to new_user_session_url ,: Flash = & gt; {: Error = & gt; "This email address matches any user." } End End   

    and in this view:


    You should take the right path.

    android - Create global variables and get error when set variable inside an OnClickListener ListView -

    I have seen through many posts and have tried to do them, but nothing is working It seems that this has probably missed something. It is what I am trying to do and my problem: I am trying to create a global variable, so that on my main activity, when a user lists a item If I select, I assign that item to the variable Do not want it to use through my application

    Faiars created a class and it is transmitted in the form of application:


    Public class GlobalVariables applications expand {

      Private string mStringValue; Public String Some Variables () {return mStringValue; } Public Zero Set Some Variables (String Some Variables) {this.mStringValue = someVariable; }   


    } Then in my main activity, I have put this code to:

      public class Expansion of MainActivity Activity {@ Override Public Wide On Crate (Bundle Saved Instance) {Super. Contents (Saved Instance State); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); ListViewksetOnItemClickListener (new OnItemClickListener () {@Override public IteemClick zero (adapter sequence & lt ;? & Gt; ListView, views, int position, long id) the cursor is located in the same row set cursor {// Results Do = (cursor) ListViewkgetItemAtPosition (status); // client name received string of the row in the database countryCode = cursor.getString (cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow ( "CUSTOMERNAME")) ;. Toast.makeText (getApplicationContext (), country Code, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) Show (); (GlobalViribles) this.getApplication (). SetSomeV Ariable (countrycode);}});   

    The problem is that I am getting error "method getApplication () thus defined for the new adapter sequence. OnItemClickListener () {}" on this line: < Pre> ((GlobalVariables) this.getApplication ()). SetSomeVariable (countryCode);

    I have suggested following a post, but later I get another error:

    • The method is mandatory for getApplication () type GlobalVariables
    • type any enclosing example GlobalVariables can be accessed under the

      ((GlobalVariables) GlobalVariables.this.getApplication ()). SetSomeVariable ("foo");

      Any help you can give will be highly appreciated.



      OnItemClickListener () is an anonymous-internal class, it means that when you this inside it, this actually type the object OnItemClickListener , Which refers to any method, try getApplication ()


        ((GlobalVariables) MainActivity.this.getApplication ()) setSomeVariable (country code);    

    java - How to program showDialogMessage? -

    I simply program the interface about user registration. To delete a user's part, when I click the delete button, the program box will ask, "Are you sure about deleting a user?" If I select yes, how can I programmatically show a showDialogMessage to tell the user that the user has been removed?

    Just pitch it here, but if you are using swings, then especially ShowMessageDialog Consider the methods.

    php - How can you limit the access of unregistered users while giving registered users full access? -

    I am trying to create a webpage with users and information which can be used by registered users only. Can unregistered users see that it is possible to limit the file? if so, how? I already have a MySQL database which has a connection in index.php. Even what I have so far:

      & lt; Head & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Sign up here: & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Form method = "post" action = "userindex.php" & gt; Please enter a username: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "user name" value = "" /> gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; Please enter the password: & lt; Input type = "password" name = "password" value = "" /> & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "submit" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt ;? Php included ("dbroutines.php"); If (isset ($ _ POST ['username'])) {if ($ _POST ['username']> '& amp; amp; amp; $ _POST [' password '] & gt;' ') {$ Q = "user (name, password) value ('.' $ _ POST ['username']. '', ''. $ _ POST ['password']. '' '')"; Echo 'query =' $ Q; $ Conn = db_connect (); $ Result = $ conn- & gt; Query ($ Q); Echo & lt; Br />xxx'.$conn->error."xxx "; Not set ($ _ post ['username']); Not set ($ _post ['password']); } Else {Echo 'enter both username and password!'; }} $ Q = "name, choose a password from user"; $ Conn = db_connect (); $ Result = $ conn- & gt; Query ($ Q); Resonance 'xxx' $ Conn- & gt; Error. "Xxx"; If ($ result) {echo '& lt; Hour / & gt; '; ($ Count = 0; $ row = $ result-> fetch_row (); ++ $ count) {echo $ count. "Name =". $ Line [0]. "Password =". $ Row [1] '& Lt; Br / & gt; '; } Echo & lt; B style = "color: red;" & Gt; there '. $ Count. ' Users in your database! '.' & Lt; / B & gt; & Lt; Hour / & gt; '; }   

    With this, you can specify which type of user access to certain files like userinx.fp?

    I think verifying the user is not a fool proof solution Token should be kept that this user is a registered user. You will have to create a normal php page, called security php, where you will enter the following code, because the smart user can directly type the URL and access your confidential page. You need to include this page at the top of each php page, which you want to protect.

      if (! Isset ($ _ session ['authId'])) {header ('location: login php'); Go out; }    

    C array of struct pointers -

    मेरे पास 2 structs A & amp; बी: <पूर्व> struct A {int v; } Struct B {struct A * ptrs [MAX_PTRS]; }

    असल में, मुझे struct B के तत्व को स्ट्रेट ए (MAX_PTRS एक मैक्रो है जो हेडर फ़ाइल में परिभाषित किया गया है) के लिए एक सरणी के रूप में होना चाहता है।

    अब, कहें कि मेरे पास एक वैश्विक वैरिएबल है:

      struct B * sB;   

    किसी कारण से, अगर मैं निम्नलिखित कमांड की कोशिश करता / करती हूं

      int x = sB-> gt; [0] - & gt; v;   

    मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है - '' & gt; '' का अवैध प्रकार तर्क। "

    क्या गलत है? (मान लें कि सब कुछ शुरु किया गया है और इसे सही ढंग से निर्दिष्ट किया गया है)

    सामान्य रूप से अमान्य प्रकार तर्क '- & gt ; ' का अर्थ है कि आपको डॉट ऑपरेटर () का उपयोग करना चाहिए था, जहां आपने डॉट ड्रिंफर ऑपरेटर ( - & gt; ) जैसे प्रश्नों में देखा था। < / P>

    अपने कोड में आप इसे देख सकते हैं यदि आपने यह किया था:

      struct A {int v; }; संरचना बी {संरचना एक ptrs [MAX_PTRS]; // याद आ रही है याद;};   

    यह अनुपलब्ध * आपको दिखाई देने वाली त्रुटि का कारण बनता है: त्रुटि: अमान्य प्रकार का तर्क â ???? - & gt; एक ?? ?? (एक एक्टिविटी AA ????)

    यदि सब कुछ वास्तव में आरंभ और सही ढंग से असाइन किया गया है, तो इस उदाहरण को देखने में कोई समस्या नहीं होनी चाहिए: <पूर्व> # परिभाषित MAX_PTRS 3 संरचना A {int v; }; संरचना बी {संरचना एक ptrs [MAX_PTRS]; }; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {struct बी * sB = malloc (sizeof (struct बी)); एसबी- & gt; ptrs [0] = मॉलोक (आकारफ (संरचना ए)); एसबी- & gt; ptrs [0] - & gt; वी = 10; Int x = sB- & gt; ptrs [0] - & gt; वी; Printf ("% d \ n", x); वापसी 0; }

    orm - Entity framework many to many but also a relationship can occur more than once -

    I do not know how to define this relationship. I have users and badges, users can collect many badges, they have There may be a badge more than once (just like the Stackwormflow).

    How can I define this number interchange order count?

    I have tried just being the user.Badj.ed (badge) again, but it does not get inserted into the database.

    At this time, the badge is defined (class inside the user) as:

      public virtual icons back & lt; Badges & gt; Badge {receive; Set; }   


    You need a relationship invitation eg. UserBadge, then nav properties will have ICllection UserBadges

    UserBadge will have a NAV property for users and badges, as well as a PK ID field.

    To get a countdown again, you will group the user's UserBadges ICollection by the badge, then calculate each group:

      var badgeCountQuery = in userITIt . Select new g by userbase group uub by ub.Badge {badge = gkk, badgecount = g. Calculation ()};    

    mysql - sql error 1111 - Invalid use of group function -

    I am getting this error, while using the script below, I have searched many threads in this site and Google, But I can not find the solution for my problem.

      total_tons, as selected as the amount ct.tons (IF (amount (wr.tons) null, yoga (wr.tons), 0) is not) total_delivered, yoga ( ct.tons - IF (amount (Wrktons) null, yoga (Wrktons), 0) is not) as total_balance, yoga (not null IF (amount (Fktons_fixed), yoga (f .tons_fixed ), 0)) as total_fixed, yoga (IF (amount (Fktons_fixed) null, ct.tons not - Yoga (Fktons_fixed), 0)) as total_unfixed, average (amount (IF (f .tons_fixed * f.hedge_price is not null, f.tons_fixed * f.hedge_price, 0)) / IF (amount (f.tons_fixed), as null avg_contract_price amount (f.tons_fixed), 1) + ct.differential_fob) Not average Avg_market_pb as avg_market_pb, avg_market_pice (cb.current_basis) avg_market_bbb, avg_market_fob as avg_contract_fob_diff, avg (IF (mf.diff is not zero, mf.diff, 0)) as avg_market_fob , Average (ct.differential_fob - if the (mf.diff is not zero, mf.diff, 0)) as avg_diff_fob contract whistle left whistle.grad_id = at grade_ master gram m.contract_id = ct left to join the movement on .id meters wrare.world_receipt w wr.movement_id = mf.grade_id = GMT on f.contract_id = on contract_price_fixati join left daily_basis db on ct.terminal_month = Left to join in on f mf.grade_id = ct.grade_id left to join the left include grade_master GMT market_fob_diff MF Seedikaidi = ct.idpler_buyer_id by GROUP   

    I think the problem may be the amount within the sum (average), because when the amount on the left is removed, the script worked. Please help me improve it!

    Replace lines like this

      sum (If (amount (wr.tons) is zero, zodiac (wr.tons), 0)) as total_decked   


      COALESCE (SUM (Wr)   

    COALESCE () returns the first return of its parameters, which is not zero.

    linux - Have Asterisk automatically call me and others into a conference -

    We are trying to set up an esteric server, we have configured it and trunks and route, we have 2 or a day There is a daily conference call between 3 people. We want to tell Esther to call each of our colleagues and bring them to a conference. We are currently using Gotmating, but want to automate this process using Astric. Has anyone seen anyone in this way or has any idea on how anyone would approach such a situation?

    Set up the conference number

  • Creating a call file On the one hand you want to invite, on the other, conference numbers and references (

    then you need to create a file for each user.

    There are many instances on this page:

    The problem that may arise:

    • You can use the g729 codec in the system and the codec Do not use Solution: G7 9 Disclaimer on Transaction
    • You call 2-3 users but only have an outgoing line.

  • c# 4.0 - Not showing data in dridview -

    का स्नैपशॉट त्रुटि

    यह त्रुटि क्यों होती है मेरे डेटा स्रोत शून्य नहीं हैं कृपया कुछ सुझाव दें।

    आप को GetGrid () कहां कहें? क्या इसे शुरुआती समय में कॉल किया गया था? इसे शुरुआती वस्तु के बाद कहा जाना चाहिए ();

    Java Comparator on strings that contain integers -

    I am trying to write a compiler to sort that string list that he or she has. East. H3232GHSD3 and H56RFRSFR4, the integer in the first string is 32323, whereas the second string integer is 564, so the second string is less than the previous one.

    This is my code

      import java.util *. // Based on the strings, string int compact tool insertion in the string and lieutenant; String & gt; Stripe {@ Override Public Ent (String S1, String S2) {// String S1 = s1.replaceAll ("[^ \ \ d.]", ""); S1 = s1.replaceAll ("[^ \ \ d.]", ""); // change string integer int l1 = integer. From the end (s1); Int l2 = integer.parseant (s2); If (L1> L2) {return 1; } And if (L1 Lieutenant; L2) {return -1; } Return 0; }} Sample of Public Sector {Public Stable Zero Main (String [] Args) {List & lt; String & gt; Random string = new arreelist & lt; String & gt; (); RandomString.add ("HA4ZNV0WE1"); RandomString.add ("A3XHN20WE1"); RandomString.add ("D4VH3V0WE1"); collection. Support (Random String, New Intcomputer ()); For (string r: random string) {System.out.println (R); }}}   

    and I get this error

      exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: for input string: "HA4ZNV0WE1" Java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString (unknown source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt (unknown source) IntComparator on ( java.lang.Integer.parseInt (unknown source) On. Compare on ( java.util.TimSort.sort at java.util.TimSort.sort (unknown source) on java.util.Arrays unknown source (unknown source) java.   

    Thank you, use .imSort.countRunAndMakeAscending (unknown source) on Sample.main (sample.java36) java.util.Collections.sort (unknown source)

    Change your code to a typo -

      // strings s1 Strip non-integer from = s1.replaceAll ("[^ \ \. D." "," "); S1 = s1.replaceAll ("[^ \ \ d.]", "");   

    this -

      // string s1 = s1.replaceAll ("[^ \\ d.]", "" Strip non-integer " ); S2 = s2.replaceAll ("[^ \ \ d.]", ""); // In your code, you have also written 1 here.   

    I'm assuming That you have copied your first line and pasted it, and forgot to change the variable name. This is why sometimes it is called.

    Has anyone implement DITA 1.2 Subject scheme in their work? -

    I would like to know if there is someone who has implemented a map of DITA 1.2 topics in his work? If so, can you break an example to show:

    • How to do this?
    • When to use it?

      I know about the principle behind this, but I still want to apply it and I want to know what things are I should be careful during the planning and implementation phase.

      An example is here:

      DITA 1.2 There is also a good example of spec (

      What you can do with a map of the theme plan at present:

      • Define an assortment
      • For classification in a profiling or flagging feature So that this attribute only takes one value that you have defined
      • The filter or flag element is a defined value with a det to the file. Benefit 1: Since you have a classification, so even after filtering the value of your parents, your children can be filtered, which is convenient.

        Benefit 2: You can fully define and thus control the list of values, which prevents the tag bloat.

        Benefit 3: You can reuse the map of the subject plan in the map of many topics, in the LAR DITA manner, so that you can implement the same taxonomies anywhere.

        These are currently the main uses for a map of a subject scheme.

        I've found that the only disadvantage is that I can think of other imaginary uses for topic plan maps such as Faceted Browsing, but I do not think any implementation exists. DITA-OT has nothing like this so far.

    c# - Access website by using cookie from httpwebrequest windows phone -


    I have no experience in cookies and I used to use cookies (that I httpwebrequest Trying to get Post method) to reach a website. In the POST method, I made a part of the certification and in the end I got the cookies. How do I use this website to donate a website and it's similar to this?

    Hope anyone can give me some advice, pointer or some example code. Thank you for taking

    Here's my code so far I have done

      private void GetResponseCallback (IAsyncResult asynchronousResult) {HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) asynchronousResult.AsyncState .. // operation HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) request.EndGetResponse (asynchronousResult) end; Stream Stream Response = Response Gateresonsstream (); Stream reader stream read = new stream reader (stream response); ((Sprinteweave SW = new streamer (ISIS)) (separate storage file isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication ()) {(IsolatedStorageFileStream isfs = isf.OpenFile ("CookieExCookies", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)) {foreach (Cookie cookie response value. cookies) {sw.WriteLine (cookieValue.ToString ());} Sw.Close ();}}} // stream object Close stream. Close (); streamRead.Close ( ); response.Close (); //allDone.Set ();}   

    Cookie store in the text box

      private void ReadFromIsolatedStorage (() Using (IsolatedStorageFile isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserSto reForApplication ()) {using (IsolatedStorageFileStream isfs = isf .OpenFile ( "CookieExCookies", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) using {(StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (isfs)) {tbTesting.Text = sr.ReadToEnd (); sr. Close ();}}}}    

    You receive and set CookieContainer class can use cookies When you use it, it handles everything for you. You do not need to manually set cookies manually, check the code below.

    Make an example of the first CookieContainer class.

      Cookie Container Cookie Container = New Cookie Container ();   

    Then use it for authentication and assign then to each use for verification to get cookies HttpWebRequest request = (

      // Request Request for Login HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (""); Req.method = "POST"; If (req.SupportsCookieContainer) req.CookieContainer = cookieContainer; .. need a cookie HttpWebRequest REQ = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ( "") for the rest of your code .. // any other request; Req.method = "POST"; If (req.SupportsCookieContainer) req.CookieContainer = cookieContainer; .. Your other code ..    

    qt - QSortFilterProxyModel breaks columnWidths -

    What is the standard practice in maintaining column width in a QTableView that hides some columns / a QSortFilterProxyModel arbitrary command)? Note that I am talking about being hidden and unaware of them in an example.

    I have tried several methods (all ugly) to go to it. Of course I am doing something wrong.

    I have looked at QHeaderView :: saveState () and QHeaderView :: restoreState (), but until I'm missing nothing, it's really good to save only to start the shutdown. Once the columns are hidden in different order and are not missed, it breaks.

    QSortFilterProxyModel works fine using filterAcceptsColumn (). A warning occurs when filterAcceptSColumn () returns right on a column that was previously returned fake. Although I run invalidateFilter () and it is portrayed in QTableView, the QTortVilterProxyModel column is using some default values ​​(100 sounds) for the width of the QTableView column before being hidden.


    Yes, use setSectionHidden () instead < P> In general, you should try to keep the code from outside the model (such as when showing / hiding columns on runtime) in our applications we have QTableView and QHeaderView Sub classes that allow the user to show / hide columns using the context menu; Column width (and also more) are not touched when hiding / hiding them.

    FilterAcptsptsColumn can be used to completely disable columns like the primary key, the foreign key.

    hadoop - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException while running Breiman example in Mahout -

    text after "itemprop =" text ">

    I try to run the Breiman example of deciding for classification in a single system (pseudo-distributed mode) to build a forest I am doing. I have no problem in the first two phases have been discussed in the tutorial, but the third stage (which generate a file descriptor for the dataset '' are) going to throw an exception as shown below

      exception thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: $ ( org.apache.mahout.classifier on $ (URLClassLoader java: 355) at (Native method) ( on java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (ClassLoader.j Ava: 423) on Java at. lang.ClassLoader.loadClass java.lang.Class.forName0 ( (Native Method) java.lang.Class.forName ( on org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar . Main (   

    command I ran

      hadoop_admin @ ubuntu: ~ / Hadoop $ bin / Hadoop jar / home / viggi /vrkspes/mhowt-distrybusn-0k5/mhowt-kor-0k5-jobkjar Orgkapachekmhowtkclosifie Rkdfktulskdeskribe -p Dtl0 / Gilaskdeta -f Dtl0 / Gilaskinfo D A9 NL   

    I got a post in the stack overflow with similar exceptions, although it does not relate to its mahav or the Bremen example, I have decided to go with the suggested solution which is the Download HttpClient jar-library and put it in $ MAHOUT_HOME / lib Land. It was not working, so if someone can explain what the third step really does and to get rid of those exceptions, it will really be helpful.

    As far as I can see, Mahatat 0.5 org.apache.mahout.classifier.df .tools.Describe class, which is why you are not getting the exception, it can not get it.

    There is a square of 0.6 in Mahuash. I suggest you upgrade to the latest stable version of Mahat (0.7)

    c# - How to set date only in SQL Server table? -

    I am using the datetime datatype to set the date in the database but this complete data Gives time and hours and in minutes I only dd-mm-yyyy

    Maybe use datetime

    Best solution for doing database migration on mysql? -

    I am currently facing a problem while migrating, especially adding new fields to the existing table, where millions There are records, completion of a very long period. So I wonder if there is a special trick way to migrate it fast?

    Make it without locking table, what you can do, create a new table with the right column , Select on old table data, rename old table, rename new table, drop "old named table"

    something like that;

      Create table 'table' such as 'table'; Add table_NU column to optional table ...; Add table_NU column to optional table ...; Add table_NU column to optional table ...; Insert from 'Table_New' to 'Table' from 'Table', from 'Table', select x, y, z, 'newcol', 'newcol2', 'newcol3'; Give table table 'new' in `table`; - Drop table `table_old` - except now, now it is known ...   

    There can be an index about thinking about each other, turn it off and then they After incorporating, it is enabled, thus they do not have to recalculate all the time.

    java - OpenJPA @FetchGroup -

    I am using @FatchGroup to load class statistics, in each category parents / children Can be the category or not. I only need 2 level data, which means Category - & gt; Sub Level 1 - & gt; Sub Level 2 * I do not want to make a full effort of the category, because this will affect performance. I will be @FetchGroup (name = FetchGroupConstants.CATEGORY_CHILD_LEVEL_2, attribute = {@FetchAttribute (name = "children", recursionDepth = 2)}) Adds in the unit square. After this I also used the following group to get the data

    @FetchGroup (name = FetchGroupConstants.CATEGORY_BASIC, attributes = {@FetchAttribute (name = "ordering"), @FetchAttribute (name Then I found the whole tree "ResursionDepth = -1" similar results if I set recursionDepth = 1, then I also get the full tree. What is the problem I am using "FetchPlan"? Thank you.

    Let me use the entire tree in the server cache for now. Any suggestions

    jquery UI datepicker: display the day number only -

    Is it possible to display only the number of days? (I do not need a full date).

    I will try: $ ('date'). Datepicker ({dateFormat: 'dd'}); but I still display the full date (such as 16-6-13 instead of 16)

    Is there a way to change it? Perhaps one of the known hacks ...

    Change the format to DD-MM-Yay and related text The following on the box.

      $ ('# textBoXID'). Change (function () {var actual text = $ (this) .val (); var arrayOfDate = []; arrayOfDate = real text (. '-'); $ ('# textBoXID'). Val (arrayOfDate [0] );});    

    r - Why does the table function find a variable that was deleted -

    Why does the table function get a variable that was deleted?

      dog & lt; - C ("Rover", "Spot") Cat & lt; - c ("Scratch", "Flomi") Pets & lt; - Data. Frame (dog, cat) # Creating a data frame with two variable names (pets) # 1] "dog" "cat" # Name of long-term name of the dog (pet) [name (pet Animal) == "dog"] and "- dog_as_very_long_name" pet $ dog & lt; - NULL # Remove dog names (pets) # [1] "Dog_as_very_long_name" "Cat" # Variable dog data sets no longer contain table (pet $ dog) # Table variable on a variable that has # rover spots # 1 1  was removed  $  in some uses that are due to partial matching / pre>  


    Try this:

      & gt; By using the table (Pet $ Ca) Fluffy Scratch 1 1   

    [[ notation will give you more control.

      & gt; Table (pet [["Ca"]]) & lt; Border 0's table & gt; & Gt; You can use the  options  settings to warn you the table (pet [["ca", exact = false]]) alcoholic scratch 1 1   

    Consider when partial matches are used:

      & gt; Option (warning_content_modulator = TRUE) & gt; Table (Pets $ Ca) Fluffy Scratch 1 1 Warning Message: Pet Ca $ $ Ca: 'Ca' Partial Match 'Cat' & gt; Table (pet $ dog) Rover spot 1 1 Warning message: Pet dog $ dog: 'dog' '' Antarctic match 'to' dog_s_ful_long_name '   

    performance - Should I get a habit of removing unused variables in R? -

    Currently I'm working with relatively large data files, and my computer is not a super computer. Temporarily setting several subsets and not removing them from the workspace. Obviously they are making a disorganization of many variables but, is there any effect of many unused variables on the performance of R? (I.e., does the computer's memory fill up at some point?)
    When should I start the habit of removing unused variables when the code should be written? is it worth it?


    I do not want to add another line to my code Instead, I like to ruin my workspace (if no performance improvements)

    Yes , The unused objects will affect your performance, because all its parts in the REM memos Store Uon that will clearly impact on small objects at the results, and you will only really have to delete the data frame) with the majors (millions of rows, etc., but nothing hurt when a Ancuted workspace.

    The only exposure is removing something that you need later even when using a repo, it is suggested that accidentally breaking the stuff is something that you can save from it. Want to

    One way to achieve these issues is to use the local when you do a computation that is spread around the temporary objects, then you can call it a Local , which you will then have to effectively dispose of those objects. No more to clean more i , j , x , temp.var , and whatnot

      for local ({x (i: seq_along (obj)) temp & lt; - some_unvectorised function (obj [[i]], x) (j: 1: temp) Temp2 & lt; - some_other_unvectorised_function (temp, j) #x, i, j, temp, temp2 only for local (...)})     Exist

    python - how to print elements which occur only once in a list, without counting -

    If I have a dictionary {key: [abccd]} and I want to print only unique values ​​corresponding to each key (In this case, (A, B, D)) apart from looping and counting it through each element, what is the most effective way to do this?

    if the elements are sorted according to your example; You can use it:

      Add "" to itertools, which import groups from the print (group for [k, group (d ['key']) if lane (list (Group)) == 1]) # - & gt; A bd    

    c - Does Lapack check if a matrix is invertible before it tries to invert it -

    I use LAPACK in a C code which allows me to reverse the matrix. To be more precise, I use dgetrf_ then dgetri_ to reciprocate.

    But as I'm dealing with large matrix and I do not know whether Matriss is inviable or not, I'm taking a long time to reverse a non-inconvenient matrix ... what a Way to use LAPACK? About the failure of dgetrf + dgetri on a single matrix (despite being a couple) . It provides a way to check the "inconvenience" of the matrix in question: Assess the position number (function dgecon ).

    The condition number can help because it is the asset of the matrix, and therefore is not related to the accuracy of your algorithm and / or rounded error of the PC. The higher the number of conditioning, it will be close to your matrix, so you can essentially set the upper bound to your conditioning number. Look at the tables below to see a potential function-calling-order based on the type of metric you are using.

    python - Iterating through a multidimensional array -

    I have a 3D oval array, I want to iterate. If this is important, this is the .nii file type (the file used to store MRI brain data) and I use the nip module to load these images, which can be used to image processing again to numpy Can be handled as arrays. I want to take and go through Voxal and can only include Wooclal, whose values ​​are

      Import import neipe numpy img = nipy.load_image ('image.nii.gz') img_manip = img.get_data () Results = numpy.zeros (size = Img_manip .shape, dtype = img_manip.dtype): For the row in the matrix: For items in the row: If the item is   

    This celebration is meant to work, but it is very slow, as it is still going on. I'm just thinking, is this the right way to do it? Should I use np.empty instead? I am not sure that I am beautiful Nobul on the dragon right now. Edit: Just a FYI, the size of img_manip is something like (368, 170, 32) and data type float64

    (Sorry, I do not know how to create See the code "Pythonic"!)

    I found a solution to my problem again! Haha, okay so this can not be right, but it works if someone has another great way to do this, please share! BTW It is not my solution, I actually asked the nip mail list and they gladly helped anyone to help me, they suggested that I took advantage of indexing system of Nambi. Then you will say:

      img_manip [img_manip> 2] = 0 result = 15000 * img_manip # This is optional, it just builds it in a good range for my purposes   

    Now for those people, if you want to go back. Nii format, you can use the nifty package, see, you just

      new_img = nifti.NiftiImage (result)   

    and your output Will save!

    Edit: You can also use Nibel (and perhaps you should support / develop it since):

      new_img = nib.NiftiImage (Results )    

    Emacs Autocomplete: the function `define-package` is not known -

    I am trying to install the autocomplete mode at OS X 10.8.4, which causes the MOACS 24 to be decomposed Has been established through the medium.

    I have completely cloned through git and I am following build instructions. I'm getting an error while setting me to tell me that the defined-package (possibly some aliSP) is undefined

      one ???? Auto-complete GIT: (Master) has installed MXS-QL. -betch-l etc / install to install: ~ / .emacs.d / ~ / .emacs.d / to / users / f / src / auto-complete / toplevel installed in the form: auto-complete-config.el: 31 : 1: Error: Can not open the load file: at the end of the popup data: auto-complete- pkg.el: 5: 1: Warning: function `defined-package 'is not defined in high-level form / users / f /src/auto-complete/auto-complete-pkg.elc wrote: Auto complete.el: 51: 1: error: open load file no popup 83117999910111511510211710810812132105110115116971081081011003310106510010032116104101321021111081081111191051101033299111100101321161113212111111711432461011099799115581010409710010045116111451081051151163239108111971 0045112971161043234126474610110990191154610047344110401141011131171051141013239971171161111610145991111101021051034110409799459911111010210510345100101102971171081164110   

    Anyone before or does it fix?

    using mail or marmalade package.el . Autocomplete is expected to be installed in this way, and you will also get very easily installed updates

    If you do not already have package.el configured, Add the following to code> .emacs or .emacs.d / init. L (Setk package archives' (("marmalade". "Http://") ("Alpa". "Http: / / ") (" Melpa "." Http:// ") (" gnu "." Http:// ") ) (Package-initialize) ;; Init elpa package

    simply run MX package list-package (or Mx plp TAB ) and install complete from package To list the listed, marked packages, use the i to mark the packages with x .

    From time to time, will mark packages installed by opening MX package list-package and clicking U to update them, < Press the code> x to run the update.

    This Emacs is assuming 24.

    oracle11g - oci8 extention not working in php-5.4.3 -

    I am using wampserver and I want to use oci8 to connect to the Oracle database I oci8 enabled Does, but whenever I see my phpinfo (); Nobody can tell what is happening. I am searching everywhere for hours but I could not find any solution at all. I'm using WampServer version 2.2 Apache 2.4.2. PHP 5.4.3 and Oracle 11G I execute every time:

      & lt ;? Php if ($ conn = oci_connect ('sys' as 'sysdba', '12345', '// localhost / orcl')) for the Oracle database! '; } And {$ errmsg = oci_error (); Print 'Oracle Connection Failed' $ Errmsg ['Message']; }? & Gt;   

    This shows this error:

      Fatal error: Undefined function OCILogon () on C: \ wamp \ www \ IDS \ Index.php Call line 3    

    I have a separate php and Apache instead of Apache 2.4 Version is downloaded .2 one ???? PHP 5.4.3 now I am using Apache 2.2.2 ??? PHP 5.2.6 and from the php.ini file on the OC8 line ";" Retrieved semicolon

    It was like this:

     ; Extension = php_oci8.dll   

    I changed it:

      extension = php_oci8.dll    < / Html>

    linux - bash command line arguments into an array and subset the array based on the parameter value -

    I am trying to get the input parameters for my bid script. 4 1 2 4 5 Science A P * I want to get these arguments as an array which I used to get $ @ to get everyone in an array. Now on the basis of the first argument, I have to subscribe the rest. The first number here is 4, so the second argument should be saved as an array of fifth arguments [1 2 4 5] and the remaining arguments in a second array.

    I tried it

    array = ($ @) len = $ {# array [@]} args = $ {array [@]: 0: $ len - $ {array {1}}} Encoded $ args

    I tried to get the first part but I got an error syntax error in the expression (error token ": -4") when I went this way " 4 1 2 4 5 Science AP" "

    It is: P> Instead of using an intermediate array, work directly from logic Does this intermediate array It will be easy to use, at least in the same way, but remember that the array starts from indexing 0, whereas parameter indexing effectively starts at 1 (because parameter 0 is the name of the command). Note that quotes are important: Without them, command line logic globe extension and word segmentation will be passed through an additional time; In fact, you can use the command line arguments to quote Lose it.

    python 2.7 - Loop through variables from a module -

    My goal is to produce lists of 256 each size from a series of 1806, each list has newmodule.xlist ##### has been referred to as How do I loop through variables in to create super matrix?

    The variable can be created like this:

      'xlist % 05d '% i   

    You can catch the variable from the module like this: To create a "2dim" list, make a list of the list ie:

      getattr (newmodule, 'xlist% 05d'% i)   

    You probably changed it to a numpy 2dim array:

      mat = numpy.array (mat)   

    or numpy Matrix: mat = oval. Mat (mat)

    javascript - Node / npm: How to manage globally installed devDependencies -

    I am creating a node module with devDependencies that should be installed globally, such as jasmine-nodes and What I need to do is jashint I want to be able to refer to my binaries to run tests, lint, etc in my makefile / npm scripts section. In other words, I do not want them programming (programming).

    I am still confused about this:

    1) My first approach was to believe that these modules will be installed globally, in the documents of my module Explain and reference their binaries as globally - that is, they should be available globally, collision with this piece of advice.

    Ensure that you have installed globally Gone to Binaries Avoid referencing. Instead, point it to the local node_module, which is a hidden one. Bin establishes binary in the directory. Make sure the module (in this case "Mocha") is in your package. Jason is under the devDependencies, so that you keep binary while installing NPM.

    (taken from)

    This usually seems right, because the above setup is relatively weak.

    2) My next approach was clearly to include those modules in devDependencies (although they are still globally installed on their system (and most likely users' and contributors 'With systems too)). It ensures that when necessary, there are suitable versions of binaries and I can now reference them through node_modules / .bin / .

    Although I am in conflict with this part

    (taken from)

    without paying attention to it , I think that install npm will now notify anything (no network activity is displayed) for the globally installed module.

    My questions:

    • Is the local version of the module installed on the global level (which are mentioned in devDependencies) are just snapshots of global denominations, which are Npm install
    • is 2) is the right way to go about doing this? Or is there any other practice I am missing?

      Take my private on this, which node. JS is definitely different from general practice, but I believe this is an overall best approach. It is detailed in its own blog post (Disclaimer about self-promotion, more often).

      It basically boils down to:

      1. Do not use npm -g at any time Never install global modules.
      2. Instead, adjust your PATH to include projectDir / node_modules / .bin instead of

    c# - SCardTransmit() returns empty response buffer -

    Using the described structure, I am trying to read from a smart card. I have created an APW command The command structure appears to be correct because it works in Java. When I call the SCardTransmit () function, the command is executed, but it gives an empty reaction buffer of length + 2 bytes. The first two bytes are SW1 and SW2 ones are 6118. I believe this means that buffer has more bytes to read. However, when I change the buffer size, the feedback buffer size changes, but I still get the error code 6118. This is a command command that has received the data command return status 6100, after which I think it means to read more than 0xFF bytes so how do I get to fill the feedback buffer?

    The described behavior matches the T = 0 protocol card. You do not receive direct response in that protocol, but the last command has to send the GET RESPONSE command along with the length reported in the return code, here 0x18.

    c++ - Error with bind() and listen() functions (WinSock) -

    I am working with WinSock and I have a problem: if I I define MY_IP to be "" This works but I do not want to set MY_IP to "" but it is not working is.

    I have failed: failed bind () and listen to error

      #pragma comment (lib, "Ws2_32.lib") # include & lt; Sdkddkver.h & gt; # Include & lt; Conio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include & lt; WinSock2.h & gt; #include & lt; Windows.h & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; # Include & lt; Process.h & gt; #my_IP "" using the namespace, std; Int main () {WSADATA wsaData; Complete result = WSAStartup (MacWorld (2, 2), and Wisadata); If (result! = NO_ERROR) cout & lt; & Lt; "Initial error." & Lt; & Lt; Endl; Socket Main Socket = Socket (AFINETE, SOCKRRM, IPPRTOOTCPCP); If (main socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {printf ("Error creating socket:% ld \ n", WSAGetLastError ()); WSACleanup (); Return 1; } Sockaddr_in service; Mails (& amp; service, 0, size (service)); Service.sin_family = AF_INET; Service.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (MY_IP); Service.sin_port = htons (27015); If (bind (main socket, (Sokkadar *) and service, size (service)) == SOCKET_ERROR {cout & lt; & Lt; "Failed Tie ()" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Port (main socket); } (Listen (main socket, 1) == SOCKET_ERROR) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Listen Error"; } Cout & lt; & Lt; "Okezywani na Poljegenti" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Socket swisset = SOCKET_ERROR; While (acceptSocket == SOCKET_ERROR) {acceptSocket = Accept (main socket, rick, tap); } If (Acceptance! = SOCKET_ERROR) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Connected !: D" & lt; & Lt; Endl; For (;;) {four chidedomosac [1000]; RCV (Main Socket, Chydomos, Volume (CHDOSOSCO), Faucet); }}    

    If any dam () or <

    If a server is connected to itself, then the client will only be able to connect to If customers need to connect to, then the server is required to provide local IP You will need to bind which client will accept or specify INADDR_ANY to bind all available local IPs. If server has a local IP then all is well. However, if is actually the public IP of a router / net that the server is running behind, then the server needs to bind to the local IP which is configured for the router / NAT port-forward inbound requests. Tie () can only be linked to the local IP which is related to the machine which is running dam () .