Friday 15 February 2013

Emacs Autocomplete: the function `define-package` is not known -

I am trying to install the autocomplete mode at OS X 10.8.4, which causes the MOACS 24 to be decomposed Has been established through the medium.

I have completely cloned through git and I am following build instructions. I'm getting an error while setting me to tell me that the defined-package (possibly some aliSP) is undefined

  one ???? Auto-complete GIT: (Master) has installed MXS-QL. -betch-l etc / install to install: ~ / .emacs.d / ~ / .emacs.d / to / users / f / src / auto-complete / toplevel installed in the form: auto-complete-config.el: 31 : 1: Error: Can not open the load file: at the end of the popup data: auto-complete- pkg.el: 5: 1: Warning: function `defined-package 'is not defined in high-level form / users / f /src/auto-complete/auto-complete-pkg.elc wrote: Auto complete.el: 51: 1: error: open load file no popup 83117999910111511510211710810812132105110115116971081081011003310106510010032116104101321021111081081111191051101033299111100101321161113212111111711432461011099799115581010409710010045116111451081051151163239108111971 0045112971161043234126474610110990191154610047344110401141011131171051141013239971171161111610145991111101021051034110409799459911111010210510345100101102971171081164110   

Anyone before or does it fix?

using mail or marmalade package.el . Autocomplete is expected to be installed in this way, and you will also get very easily installed updates

If you do not already have package.el configured, Add the following to code> .emacs or .emacs.d / init. L (Setk package archives' (("marmalade". "Http://") ("Alpa". "Http: / / ") (" Melpa "." Http:// ") (" gnu "." Http:// ") ) (Package-initialize) ;; Init elpa package

simply run MX package list-package (or Mx plp TAB ) and install complete from package To list the listed, marked packages, use the i to mark the packages with x .

From time to time, will mark packages installed by opening MX package list-package and clicking U to update them, < Press the code> x to run the update.

This Emacs is assuming 24.

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