Changing the frequency (pitch) and changing the dimension in the wave file, such as C # but not tone on the wave file Accepts all this to read a wave (.wave) audio file in the AC # array.
This normalizes values from -1.0 to 1.0.
So all you have to do is
- Use the code above to read the file in the C # double array. It actually gives two arrays, one uses the left and right stereo channel for just one if its mono though.
- Modify the c # array in memory:
- Changing the pitch means resplanning the array at a lower or higher sampling rate, pulling the effect or adjusting the frequency shrinking Wave for At this point you may need to use some interpolation
- Dimensions can be adjusted on the next step.
- Type the array into a new wave file; For the full waveform format specification ... it is not complicated.
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