Monday 15 April 2013

Android Alpha, Beta for Paid Apps on Google Play Developer Console -

What about "paid apps" as alpha / beta testing ... < / P>

I am uploading an "alpha_version" apk under the "alpha" tab ... I have tagged the app as a "paid" app and also have specific values ​​configured ... ( As Google "Free to" to "pay" "") I added "tester" for this alpha version.

My question / confusion:

  1. Before downloading my "alpha" version, I need to pay my "tester group" I / and after creating "for production"

  2. Once I publish this "alpha" version - it's view-enabled / visible on the Google Play Store (I'm sure it's only Not only for all users will appear for the tester - right?)

    Any help / pointer Thank you.

    1. All users of a paid app pay AFAIK for it Have to do. If the alpha / beta user also does not want you to test the app, you can distribute the app through e-mail or web etc ... without using the Play Store
    2. No.
    3. Yes, but only test users will get alpha / beta versions.

      If you want users to test your app in the Play Store for free and sell your app in front of the general public, you can distort your app in an unknown name. , Which is free for the testers, and real name / details etc. with the real app will be paid

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