Monday 15 April 2013

java - Remove the HTTP Server header in Jetty 9 -

is that you hide the server version in Jetty 8:

  server server = New server port); Server.setSendServerVersion (wrong);   

How do you do it in JT 9? So now it should look like this?

  HTTP configuration config = new HTTP configuration (); Config.setSendServerVersion (wrong); // TODO: Associate with config server ??? Server server = new server (port);    

If some code works that works, it is not sure that it is correct , But at least this works (:

  for server server = new server (port); (connector y: server.getConnectors ()) {for (ConnectionFactory x: y. GetConnectionFactories ()) {if (x Example HttpConnectionFactory) {((HttpConnectionFactory) x) .getHttpConfiguration (). SetSendServerVersion ();}}}    

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